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电子组态。Electron configuration.

保存配置,然后退出。Save the configuration and exit.

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配置文件“example1.cfg”Configuration File "example1.cfg"

Inotify的配置选项Configuration options for Inotify

这样就结束了配置。This concludes the configuration.

动态路由与配置。Dynamic routing and configuration.

配置文件“example2-1.cfg”Configuration File "example2-1.cfg"

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配置文件“example2-2.cfg”Configuration File "example2-2.cfg"

配置文件“example2-3.cfg”Configuration File "example2-3.cfg"

首先是配置文件的路径。Fisrt, the path configuration file.

下一步并确认配置。Next and confirm the configuration.

下面,装入配置文件。Next, load the configuration files.

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顶部装载,在线配置。Top loading, in-line configuration.

选择它以打开其配置。Select it to open its configuration.

提取配置信息。Externalize configuration information.

管理配置文件是艰苦的。Managing configuration files is tough.

行为方式的范围要广得多。Patterns have a broader configuration.

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这就是电子构型。So this is our electron configuration.

为这个新配置键入一个名称。Enter a name for the new configuration.

是个驻波结构。It is in a standing wave configuration.