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谐谑曲也可以是很快的快板的。The scherzo is marked allegro molto.

谐谑曲是很快的快板。The scherzo is marked allegro molto.

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为传统的诙谐曲乐章。The second movement is the traditional scherzo movement.

惊人!!!!!热爱运动的第二谐谑曲很多。Amazing! ! ! ! ! Love the the second scherzo movement alot.

经常和这个作品一起演出的是一个24小节的谐谑曲的轮廓。Often paired with this piece is the 24 bar sketch of a scherzo.

热情善良是我的本性,幽默诙谐是我的特色。Enthusiasm is my good nature, humor Scherzo is my characteristics.

肖邦的谐谑曲是音乐形象对比鲜明结构庞大的一种单乐章的钢琴独奏曲。Chopin's scherzo is a single-chapter piano solo which has distinctive contrast and enormous structure.

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随之而来的所有欢庆场景仿佛试图去掩盖那些谐谑曲所存在的威胁。All the jubilation that follows can sound like an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.

第四章是对肖斯塔科维奇谐谑性音乐风格的成因进行分析,并展现了其体现出的美学原则。The fourth chapter discusses the reasons for the formation of the composer's scherzo style and the aesthetic principles in it.

而交响曲中的谐谑曲所呈现出来的谐谑性风格又是贯穿肖斯塔科维奇一生的重要的创作风格之一。Besides, the scherzo and its own style in the symphony is also considered one of the major elements in the composition of the composer.

第二章,是通过谐谑曲中显象性的技法分析来展示其内涵性的风格特征。The second chapter analyzes the conspicuous features of the techniques in the scherzo to demonstrate its significant stylistic characters.

这些谐谑曲已不同于以往的谐谑曲体裁,不再限于嬉戏、玩闹而是隐含了深刻而复杂的思想内容。There are differences between this kind of scherzo and its previous styles. Chopin's scherzo is no longer defined to frolic and amusement.

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在第一章绪论中,首先介绍了谐谑曲的历史发展脉络,考察了谐谑曲的风格演变过程。In the first chapter, Introduction, the author introduces the historical development of scherzo, reviews the evolutionary process of the style of scherzo.

其次,把肖斯塔科维奇对这些谐谑曲的处理特点进行了总结归纳,并与其他作曲家的作品进行了比较。The second part makes a summary of the characteristics of the methods Shostakovich applied in his scherzo movements, as well as a comparison with the works by other composers.

想想第五交响曲的谐谑曲中奇怪终止的地方,当音乐突然停止时,定音鼓手轻轻的敲出C音,就像用手指轻敲方格一样。Think of the transfixingly strange Scherzo of the Fifth Symphony, when the music effectively stops moving and the timpanist drums lightly on the note C like a finger tapping on a pane.

贝多芬的作品127号降E大调弦乐四重奏中的诙谐曲创作原稿是目前市场出现的贝多芬手稿中最引人注目的作品之一。The composing manuscript of Beethoven's scherzo from the String Quartet Op. 127 in E-flat major is one of the most spectacular of the composer's autographs to have appeared on the market.

本章共分为九节,对影响肖斯塔科维奇谐谑性风格形成的各种创作手段进行了详尽的分析,并对这些手段反映出的谐谑性特点做了必要的评述。The nine parts of this chapter make a detailed analysis of the different means employed by Shostakovich in his scherzos, as well as a discussion about the characteristics of the scherzo style.