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他最好很快消解疑虑。He had better disabuse them soon.

让我纠正你那种愚蠢的想法。Let me disabuse you of that foolish idea.

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让我消除那个愚蠢的偏见。Let me disabuse of that foolish prejudices.

假如我们认为我们知道,我们很快就会省悟过来。And if one thinks one knows, one is quickly disabuse.

让我们打消我们是战无不胜的错误念头。Let us disabuse ourselves of the idea that we are invincible.

对程序缺陷的矫正成为解惑公众质疑和应对车改系存问题的关键。The key to disabuse public and solve the reform' s dilemma is to rectify procedure deficiency.

第一步,是要使自己省悟认识到财富是最可靠的和平保证,这个概念。The first step is to disabuse ourselves of the notion that wealth is the surest guarantor of peace.

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扭转这些错误观念的传统方法是向这些人提供准确的信息。The traditional way to disabuse people of false beliefs is to provide them with accurate information.

可是,每天婚姻工作很快地让两人从自己找到了完美联合中省悟。But the daily tasks of marriage can quickly disabuse a couple of the notion that they have found such a perfect union.

学生的学既包括一般意义上的学习,还指在学习过程中对其他学习者进行的帮助、指导、解惑等。Students' learning includes a general meaning, but also that the help, guidance and disabuse for other learners in study.

可能你想到的最有效的方法,就是设计一个,聪明点的算法了,这正是我想你们注意到的。And probably the obvious thing you'll think about is, we'll come up with a clever algorithm. And I want to disabuse you of that notion.

可能你想到的最有效的方法,就是设计一个,聪明点的算法了,这正是我想你们注意到的。And probably the obvious thing you'll think about is, we'll come up with a clever algorithm. And I want to disabuse you of that notion.

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教师的教既包括一般意义上从事的教学、传道、受业、解惑,还指教师为提高自身素质而进行的学习。Teachers' teaching includes teaching, preaching, imparting and disabuse in the general sense, but also means the study to improve their own quality.

他说,曼德拉希望让人们知道“不应将他视为超级英雄,以为他没有与普通人一样的情绪”。The undersecretary said Madiba was a man who "wanted to disabuse people that he was a superhero, that he didn't experience the same emotions as everybody else."

无论在任何一种情况下,普京在2012年的回归使得奥巴马团队中巴望梅德韦杰夫可以带来美俄关系“重启”的人们大梦初醒。In either case, Putin's return in 2012 is likely to disabuse those in the Obama administration who harbored high hopes for a "reset" of U. S. -Russia relations with Medvedev.

你们可以通过反应来得出更好的研究成果,在反应上你们要纠正自己,不要把自己当成,一个被动的接收者。You can do better, you can do it through response You've got to sort of disabuse yourself of the problems in response which is to be think of yourself as just a passive reciever.

你们可以通过反应来得出更好的研究成果,在反应上你们要纠正自己,不要把自己当成,一个被动的接收者。You can do better, you can do it through response You've got to sort of disabuse yourself of the problems in response which is to be think of yourself as just a passive reciever.