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酷毙了!Too cool.

对啊,我也是。Yeah, me too.

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这个世界上有太多的为什么!Too many whys!

你也是一样。You have, too.

我吃得太饱了。I ate too much.

我也希望如此。I hope so, too.

这儿太吵了。It's too noisy.

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不不,太冒险了。Nah, too risky.

顶下。本人也喜欢。I love it , too.

那也太过分了。That's too much.

这座桥太长了?A bridge too far?

而在多哈,也是一样。And in Doha, too.

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别太过了。Don's go too far.

他也很喜欢它。He loves it, too.

我的梦特别多。I dream too much.

我也觉得很失望。I was bummed too.

我也是个律师。I'm a lawyer too.

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我不大清楚.I`m not too sure.

蔫得太快了。It dies too fast.

我们也来打呼吧!Let's snore, too.