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第五届亚洲冬季运动会将于2003年在日本青森市举行。Fifth Asian Winter Games in 2003 will be held in the city of Aomori in Japan.

日本青森县田舍馆村近日迎来一年一度的"稻田艺术节"。The annual rice field art festival began recently in the Aomori village of Inakadate, Japan.

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古代青森地区的传说中,哇是一种没有实体只有声音的妖怪,通常住在废弃的破旧庙宇和房屋中。In ancient Aomori prefecture legends, Uwan is a disembodied voice that inhabits old, abandoned temples and homes.

农林水产省还计划将检查范围扩大到东北地区的岩手县、宫城县和青森县。Ministry of Agriculture also plans to expand the scope of the inspection to the northeast Iwate, Miyagi and Aomori.

青森县党支部的政调会长今博在会上提出希望日本首相菅直人辞职。Aomori branch's policy chief at the meeting expressed the hope that this Bo Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan resigned.

2003年第五届亚冬会在日本青森举行,来自30个国家和地区奥委会的1200名运动员与官员参加了此届亚冬会。The 5th Winter Asian Games was held in Aomori Japan in 2003, with up to 1200 athletes and officials from 30 NOCs taking part.

积极分子,Junichi佐藤,33岁,和naj铃木、43岁,被判定犯有窃盗犯,由青森地区法院星期一判决。The activists, Junichi Sato, 33, and Toru Suzuki, 43, were found guilty of theft and trespass by the Aomori district court on Monday.

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“锐剑演习”中,美军将出动位于日本东北地区青森县三泽基地的F16战斗机等军机约180架。"Sharp sword drills", the U. S. military will be deployed in Aomori Prefecture in the Tohoku region to the F16 fighter three Zeki about 180 other military aircraft.

青森奥林巴斯被认为是无法购买用品,而据我们了解其他两个公司有一些设施的损坏,以及电力供应不足。Aomori Olympus is said to be unable to procure supplies, while we understand the other two companies have some damage to facilities, as well as a lack of power supply.

在星期一的夜里,在福井地区的一个核电站发现含有放射性物质的水泄露,并且在星期二早上,在青森地区的另一个核设施也发生了火灾。Water containing radiation substances was found leaked at a nuclear plant Monday night in Fukui Prefecture and fume was found at another nuclear facility Tuesday morning in Aomori Prefecture.