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与老年病学我在角子机。There's me with the geriatrics at the slot machines.

这项研究发表在美国老年医学学会杂志上。The study is in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

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上海市中医老年医学研究所。SETTING Shanghai Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Geriatrics.

这些发现将于下周举行的美国老年病学会年会上公布。The findings will be presented next week at the American Geriatrics Society's Annual Meeting.

她5月5日在西雅图举行的美国老年医学会的年度会议上介绍了她的发现。She presented her findings May 5 at the American Geriatrics Society's annual meeting in Seattle.

于是,在大周末前,有时你会遇到急诊,特别是在老年病楼层。So then, before an extended weekend, sometimes you hae a surge, especially in the geriatrics floors.

不过我知道总有一天我可以开业做老年医疗工作,我知道这里有人需要我的帮助。But I know someday I will be able to do my geriatrics practice, and I know there are people here who need my help.

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自从他四年前移民来南加州,他已经获得了社区学院老年学科的学位。Since he immigrated to Southern California four years ago, he has earned a community college degree specializing in geriatrics.

本周,这项的美国老年病学会的艾莉森·摩尔了五个应该戒除的坏习惯——你可以活得更长点儿。Study leader Alison Moore of the American Geriatrics Society this week suggested five bad habits that should be halted if you wish to live longer.

铃木高雄是位于名古屋全国老年病理和老年医学研究院的社长,他相信日本近乎完美的文化普及率也是一个因素。Takao Suzuki, general director of the National Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Nagoya, believes that Japan's almost perfect literacy rate is also a factor.

方法回顾性分析53例老年人肺念珠菌病的胸部X线资料,并对照比较抗真菌治疗后的胸部X线变化。The chest X-ray information of 53 geriatrics with lung candidiasis was analyzed retrospectively, and the changes of chest X-ray were compared after the treatment anti-epiphyte.

老年病学是侧重于老年人医疗服务的一个医学子学科,目的增进高龄成年人的健康、预防和治疗高龄成年人的疾病及残障。Geriatrics is a subspecialty of medicine that focuses on health care of the elderly. It aims to promote health and to prevent and treat diseases and disabilities in older adults.

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结论老年精神科病人的躯体共病现象具有普遍性,其躯体疾病分布具有普通老年科病人的特点。Conclusions The comorbidity of somatic diseases is common among patients of psychiatric department of geriatrics and it affects treatments and curative efficacy of mental diseases.

加强衰老机理与延缓衰老的研究是新世纪老年医学与老年生物学重大研究课题。One of the most important research topics is to strengthen the exploration of the aging mechanisms and antiaging strategies in the field of Gerontology and Geriatrics in the new Millennium.

美国西北大学医学院的研究显示,人的记忆力与体型有关。What shape you are could affect what shape your memory is in, according to a report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society by Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.