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用最细的羊毛织一条长袍。A gown made of the finest wool.

她是猫中非常姣好的。She is one of the finest of cats.

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蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇非常棒的作品。The Mona Lisa is DaVinci's finest work.

蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇最棒的作品.The Mona Lisa is DaVinci’s finest work.

干净的布上易发现污点。A spot is most seen on the finest cloth.

它们将是汽车史上最优秀的车种。They will be the finest cars ever built.

全国最好的姑娘你都可以讨到呢。You could get the finest girl in the land.

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一连串的精美的雪粒雨。A continuous shower of the finest snow-dust.

爱因斯坦的最好的超时空科技。Einstein's chrono technology at it's finest.

这也是她写作最为出色的一个时期。It was also the period of her finest writing.

出自教皇新堡平均树龄100年的极品佳酿!Pape average from 100 years old finest wines.

苏珊用上好的食物飨客。Susan filled her guests with the finest food.

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最好的工匠制作了这只钟。The finest craftspeople fabricated this clock.

圣体盘是用最好的材料做的。The tabernacle was made of the finest material.

刺刀刃是用最优质的钢锻造的。A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.

巴哈马美女是世界最优秀的其中一个。Bahamians chics are among the finest in the world.

他胜过我们班里最好的故事员。He cuts down the finest story- teller in our class.

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我们做出全法国最鲜美的蔬菜杂烩。We produce the finest Ratatouille in all of France.

马奎斯最优秀,最有名的著作。Probably García Márquez finest and most famous work.

金牛座只会吃最好的瑞士巧克力。Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates.