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钉子会钉牢的。The nails will clinch.

她需要得9.75分才能赢得冠军。She needs 9.75 to clinch the title.

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朋友更加生气,扭住那三儿子要打。The friend is more angry, that 3 sons should hit clinch.

迈克·布莱恩谈论有机会取得胜利。Mike Bryan talked about getting the chance to clinch the victory.

即使在扭抱的时候,他也觉得桑德尔的体力变得比他强起来。Even in the clinch he could feel Sandel growing stronger against him.

她还没有决定是时候退休,她的“旧克林奇山居笔记。”She decided it was not yet time to retire to her "Old Clinch Mountain Home."

大陆政权一向偏好于关起门来交易。The Beijing regime has always preferred to clinch deals behind closed doors.

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我们非常遗憾没有捧起丰田杯,但我们已经接受了这个结果。We are really sorry that we didn't clinch the Cup but we have stomached well the result.

拳击手得擅长攻击、躲闪、上下移动、扭斗和反击。A boxer must be good at punching, bobbing and weaving, clinch work, and counter- punching.

特别是在买卖淡季,更要驾御每个成交的机遇。Especially in buying and selling off-season, more to drive every clinch a deal opportunities.

也许,活塞再坚持8节的高强度防守,就可以解决这一轮的比赛了。The Pistons may only have to play eight more quarters of tough defense to clinch this series.

但是他与克林顿都需要超级党代表的支持,才能确保党内提名。But both he and Clinton need the support of superdelegates to clinch their party's nomination.

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“记者必须能够实时专业和负责任的牧师事件,”克林奇说。"Journalists must be able to professionally and responsibly curate events in real time, " Clinch said.

按照季节惯例,元宵节前成交低位都属正常现象。According to the season practices, Lantern Festival before clinch a deal low post is a normal phenomenon.

美联社卡特也停止了表演,并搬回家,夺得山,活出了他的余生。AP Carter also stopped performing, and moved back home to Clinch Mountain to live out the rest of his life.

吉姆-贝格林今天回忆了25年前利物浦收获双冠的光辉时刻。Jim Beglin has recalled the 'remarkable' achievement that saw Liverpool clinch the 'double' 25 years ago today.

火箭队在第四节再也没有取得过主动权,最终主队反败为胜。The Rockets never re-gained command in the fourth quarter as the home side reversed it to clinch a narrow victory.

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在拳击中,扭抱意味着用一只或两只手臂抓住对手的身体,以阻止或阻碍击打。In boxing, to clinch means to hold the opponent's body with one or both arms in order to prevent or hinder punches.

三狮军团将征战波多里加,仅需一分便可拿到明年夏天在波兰和乌克兰举行的欧洲杯决赛的门票。The Three Lions travel to Podgorica needing a point to clinch a place at next summer's Finals in Poland and Ukraine.

近年来,我市土地成交价上涨幅度大,材料费、人工费均有较大幅度上涨。In recent years, our city land clinch a deal valence rises, material fee and Labour are relatively substantially rise.