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镶有宝石的人骑鱼饰物。People riding fish inlaid with semiprecious stones.

一条精心制作的镶有宝石的项链。An elaborate necklace inlaid with semiprecious stones.

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奖杯用纯金制作,底座镶有一些不算太贵重的宝石。The trophy was made of pure gold with a base of semiprecious stones.

兰铜矿灿烂的色彩加上它的声望造成准宝石的宝石。Azurite's brilliant color adds to its popularity in creating semiprecious stones.

去买些半宝石的金手镯和项链吧,为你的衣柜增添一丝光彩。Buy gold bracelets and necklaces with semiprecious gems to add sparkle to you wardrobe.

次珍贵的年代不容忽视,因为这是传统与现代真正的接点。The semiprecious age should not be neglected, for it's the real joint of tradition and modern.

由准宝石级的石料制成的马赛克闪耀着光芒,更加使人感到仿佛置身于一个巨大的珠宝箱。Mosaics of semiprecious stones sparkle, adding to the sensation of being enclosed in an oversized jewelry box.

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古埃及的象征,十几岁的法老王陪葬,这个不朽的面具使用黄金,玻璃和宝石的制作。Icon of ancient Egypt, the teenage pharaoh's funerary mask immortalizes his features in gold, glass, and semiprecious stones.

可以是一条手工制作的链子,一些比较珍贵的小石头和高品质的玻璃球,这样就不会超出你的预算。You can buy her beautiful handcrafted jewelry, with a mix of semiprecious stones and high quality glass that should not break your budget.

这个墓穴里还有一些头巾,黄金首饰和珍贵的石头,战争用的棍棒,茅,金针,编织工具和原棉。The grave also contained headdresses, jewelry made of gold and semiprecious stones, war clubs, spear throwers, gold sewing needles, weaving tools and raw cotton.

留下了很多马赛赤贫者,年轻男子现在集聚在城镇里卖,一种次珍贵的当地石头,或者寻找低收入的工作比如夜班警卫。It has left many Maasai destitute, with young men now converging in the towns to hustle tanzanite, a semiprecious local stone, or to seek poor-paying jobs as night guards.

古代希伯莱人建造祭坛的指示和对宝贵和次宝贵石头的使用是与美洲土著使用的是同一的。Ancient Hebraic instructions for building altars and using precious and semiprecious stones are identical to those used by Native Americans. The ancient Tibetans were shamanic.

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陵墓两侧配有两座红色砂岩建筑,一边是清真寺,另一边是一座完全一样的建筑以实现审美上的平衡。The mausoleum, of pure-white marble inlaid with semiprecious stones, is flanked by two red sandstone buildings, a mosque on one side and an identical building for aesthetic balance on the other.