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无花果树沉默无语。The Fig tree was silent.

第六版支持我们的分析。Fig. 6e supports our analysis.

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圆筒型黏胶式诱虫器。Fig. 1. Cylinder-type sticky trap.

图5阐明啦这两个怀抱办法。Fig. 5 illustrates these two metrics.

你所咒诅的无花果树,已经枯干了。The fig tree you cursed has withered!

可适应所有无花果种植区。Well-adapted in all fig growing areas.

但是那片遮羞布被吹走了。But that fig leaf has since blown away.

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图1带有鹅颈汲取管的钢瓶。Fig. 1 Cylinder with gooseneck dip tube.

图4三坐标驱动装置示意图。Fig. 4 The driver with three coordinate.

那无花果树就立刻枯干了。And presently the fig tree withered away.

最美丽的无花果也可能包含一个虫子。The most beautiful fig may contain a worm.

图1。植物表达载体结构示意图。Fig. 1. Diagram of plant expression vector.

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图5中的器材没有一个起继电器的作用。None of the devices in Fig. 5 acts as relay.

结果如下面的图3所示。The results are represented in fig. 3 below.

菠萝树,橡树,无花果树。I climbed pine trees , oak trees , fig trees.

涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5207

涂盖多层环氧树脂,附手轮。Epoxy Heavy Coating, with handwheel. Fig. 5307

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图1支链淀粉结构的模型。Fig. 1 Cluster model of amylopectin structure.

我们设计的关卡被一个立方体所包围着。Fig. 2. Our little level surrounded by a cube.

从榕果中出飞途径的研究。From the fig fruit fly way out of the research.