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武士刀时,我已经21岁,我来自中国。Katana am, I have 21 years and I am from China.

这是我站在你身后,用武士刀抵着你的喉咙。That's me behind you with a katana at your throat.

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方像武士刀,林像电钻”。Side likely katana , forest likely electric drill"."

的剑没有减少目标的防御。Fixed Katana Whirling Swrord not reducing targets defense.

修正太刀的剑没有减少目标的防御。Fixed Katana Whirling Swrord not reducing targets defense.

我将会保留它,这是一个转移这支长刀很好的方法。I'm going to save it, it's a good way to move the katana around.

他寻回长期失踪的锋刃舰队,为那支克隆人军队配备了飞船。He found vessels for this army by discovering the long lost Katana Fleet.

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武士刀是单刃的,所以相比通常的剑,面对一群僵尸时就弱多了。The katana is single edged, so it sucks in a crowd compared to proper swords.

但它是错误的卡塔纳仅仅当作一个三维排字三维照明工具包。But it is wrong to think of Katana as just a 3D lighting package with 3D compositor tools.

空气过滤器在1990年的铃木武士刀750防止水进入电机污垢和碎片。Air filter in Katana Suzuki 1990 750 to prevent " water " from entering the dirt cars and debris.

剑道是一种通过对武士刀的运用的严格训练,锻炼和提升个人性格的方法。Kendo is a way to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana.

前不久,在美国马里兰州一名医学生在家里用武士刀自卫对一个武装入侵者。Not too long ago, a medical student in Maryland defended himself against an armed home intruder with a katana.

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这种名为卡塔纳机械臂的新手臂,设计目标是应用于工业,生产,实验室自动化和研究。This new arm, called the Katana Robotic Arm, is designed for use in industry, production, lab automation, and research.

铃木武士刀阀的调节作用kickstart的不满,新碳踏板摩托车铃木发动机模型。Suzuki Katana valve revive the dissatisfaction with the organization, and Suzuki motorcycle engine new form of carbon pedal.

看看一直带着两把长刀的日本武士,长的长刀用于进攻,短的长刀用于短距离上的攻防。That way the Japanese samuri carrys 2 katanas most of the time, one long katana to attack and a short katana to defend and attack at short range.

武士刀了所有这些工具为出发点,然后我们在它之上,所以武士刀有相当复杂的功能齐全的工具,在那里。Katana took all those tools in as a starting point and then we built on top of it , so Katana has pretty sophisticated fully featured tools in there.

大多数武士只得再谋职业,那些无法丢弃武士刀的人,要么乞讨要么当劫匪。The majority warriors have to again seek the occupation, these are unable to discard katana 's person, or goes begging either works as highway robber.

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他带着六艘无畏舰,包括旗舰“游隼号”,去寻找锋刃舰队的残余,以防帝国领先一步。He brought his six Dreadnaught ships, including his flagship the Peregrine, to seek out the remainder of the Katana fleet before the Empire claimed them.

了解腹部切一个螺旋从第五度合气道黑带和武术名人堂与武士刀在这个自由武术训练视频。Learn a spiraling abdominal cut with a katana from a 5th degree Aikido black belt and martial arts hall of fame inductee in this free martial arts training video.

为了更好辨认卡塔那舰队的200艘无畏级,这些船被从里到外用暗色调重新装饰,得到了“黑暗力量”的非正式绰号。To further distinguish the katana fleet of200dreadnaughts the starships were completely redecorated inside and out in a dark hue earning the unofficial moniker the dark force.