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拉合尔巴基斯坦东北部一座城市,位于靠近印度边界的拉瓦尔品第东南。A city of northeast Pakistan near the Indian border southeast of Rawalpindi.

这起枪击事件发生在连接伊斯兰堡和拉瓦尔品第的交通繁忙的高速公路上。The shooting took place on the busy highway between Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

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爆炸发生在拉瓦尔品第主干道上的夏尔美酒店附近。The explosion happened close to the Shalimar hotel on a main road in Rawalpindi.

自杀式袭击者袭击了联合国办事处,警局和拉瓦尔品第的陆军总部。Suicide attackers have struck UN offices, police buildings and army headquarters in Rawalpindi.

一周以前,布托在拉瓦尔品第参加议会竞选活动后遇刺身亡。Ms. Bhutto was assassinated in the city of Rawalpindi a week ago while campaigning for parliament.

在巴基斯坦,真正的政治力量不在于伊斯兰堡,但在军队总部设在邻国拉瓦尔品第。In Pakistan, real political power lies not in Islamabad, but at the army's headquarters in neighboring Rawalpindi.

这座清真寺位于拉瓦尔品第,在巴基斯坦陆军总部附近,经常有军事官员光顾。The mosque is in Rawalpindi that's close to Pakistan's Amy headquarters and it's frequented by military officials.

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穆罕穆德在拉瓦尔品第被抓的时候,照片中的他看上去又邋遢又没什么精神,现在却只能用消瘦来形容他。Mohammed, who upon his capture in Rawalpindi was photographed looking flabbyand unkempt, was now described as being slim.

值得注意的是,考虑到本·拉登最终被杀,这些人更多的是在一些诸如卡拉奇、拉瓦尔品第的大城市被发现。Significantly, given where Bin Laden was eventually killed, they were found in major cities such as Karachi and Rawalpindi.

当穆沙拉夫抵达位于拉瓦尔品第的联合参谋总部时,军乐团奏起了军乐和国歌。A military band played martial tunes and the national anthem as Musharraf visited the joint staff headquarters in Rawalpindi.

布托在巴基斯坦要塞拉瓦尔品第竞选集会上遭受自杀炸弹袭击身亡。Bhutto had just addressed a pre-election rally on Thursday in the garrison town of Rawalpindi when a suicide bomber blew himself up.

从阿富汗派出的美国空军C-130飞机从拉瓦尔品第向苏库尔运送了6万磅食品和救援物资。U.S. Air Force C-130 aircraft, based from Afghanistan, delivered 60,000 pounds of food and relief supplies from Rawalpindi to Sukkur.

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星期六在拉瓦尔品第的武装人员袭击陆军总部后,巴基斯坦士兵进入陆军总部大门外,摆开阵势。Soldiers took positions outside the main gate of the Pakistan army headquarters after an attack by armed men in Rawalpindi on Saturday.

因此我的团队出发经由西贡,曼谷,新德里和拉瓦尔品第前往北京,公开宣称是代表总统进行的实情调查之旅。So my team set off to Beijing via Saigon, Bangkok, New Delhi and Rawalpindi on an announced fact-finding journey on behalf of the president.

穆罕穆德在拉瓦尔品第被抓的时候,照片中的他看上去又邋遢又没什么精神,现在却只能用消瘦来形容他。Mohammed, who upon his capture in Rawalpindi was photographed looking flabbyand unkempt, was now described as being slim. Experts on the C. I.

在布托遇刺身亡之前,黄金和原油价格因获利了结有所下跌,但布托在拉瓦尔品第遇袭事件公布后,黄金和原油价格迅速反弹。Ahead of Ms Bhuttos death, both gold and oil had fallen to profit-taking, but both made rapid swings higher as events in Rawalpindi became known.

贝。布托的死亡,导致金矿和石油的价格下降,但这都提高了事件发生地拉瓦尔品第的知名度。Ahead of Ms Bhutto's death, both gold and oil had fallen to profit-taking, but both made rapid swings higher as events in Rawalpindi became known.

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还作为伊斯兰堡最大的儿童医院和拉瓦尔品第区医院的装饰。Gogi cartoons have been adorned with messages for the largest children's hospital in Islamabad and the District Head quarter Hospital in Rawalpindi.

在拉瓦尔品第,巴基斯坦,一名巴基斯坦男孩站在牛被杀后留下的血泊中,屠宰牛标志着穆斯林庆祝宰牲节的开始。Pakistani boy stands on a pool of blood from a cow slaughtered to mark the beginning of the Muslim celebration, Eid al-Adha, in Rawalpindi , Pakistan.

巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第地区的农民从季风季节开始到种麦,平均用拖拉机或畜力犁耕翻8次土壤。Farmers in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan tractor cultivate or animal plough their fields on average8 times from the beginning of the monsoon until wheat planting.