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引航是非强制的。Pilotage is not compulsory.

这项汽车保险是强制性的。The car insurance is compulsory.

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什么是规定动作?What are compulsory set exercises?

你是怎样看待强制退休年龄?How about compulsory retirement age?

此事已通过强制性仲裁得到解决。It was settled by compulsory arbitration.

但是,那样来说这费用就应该是义务性的——税收。But then the fee should be compulsory — a tax.

你们国家服兵役是义务性的吗?。Is military service compulsory in your country?

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在读九年制负担熏陶。Reading the nine-year compulsory education. 14.

参加晚祷并非硬性规定。Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.

教育实行6到11岁的免费义务制教育。Education is free and compulsory from ages 6 to 11.

九年制义务教育是免费的。Education is free and compulsory for 9 years of study.

强制引航,但没有港口通讯电台。Compulsory pilotage, but no port communication station.

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国防教育是我们入学的必修课程。Education for national defence is our compulsory course.

第一是将基础数学和英语作为必修课。The first is to make basic maths and English compulsory.

所有的中国居民都能享受免费义务教育。All Chinese now have access to free compulsory education.

九年制义务教育,这个义务是强制的意思。Nine-year compulsory education, what mean is "compulsory"?

加大投入,实现全国“九年制义务教育”。Increasing input to achieve nine-year compulsory education.

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这项新设立的必修课程由七个部分组成。The new compulsory course consists of seven parts, he said.

每项比赛都有规定动作和自选动作。There are compulsory and voluntary exercises in every event.

到第三个月就实行强制拆机。The third month practice to dismantle the machine compulsory.