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报纸严厉谴责这个罪行。The newspapers fulminate against the crime.

杜伦试剂能转化生成雷酸银吗?。Can Tollens' reagent convert to silver fulminate?

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一种雷酸盐,干燥时撞击或加热会猛烈爆炸,用于炸药、雷管等。An explosive salt of fulminic acid especially fulminate of mercury.

为治疗急性及重型肝炎提供了一个新的思路和方法。It offered a new idea and method on treatment of acute and fulminate hepatitis.

三硝基三叠氮苯的摩擦感度和冲击感度比雷汞低。Trinitrotriazidobenzene is less sensitive to impact and friction than mercury fulminate.

目的探讨云南省克山病病区急性致死性心肌炎暴发流行及其猝死的原因。Objective Study why acute and lethal myocarditis fulminate in Keshan disease area in Yunnan.

当年英国首相哈罗德·威尔逊严厉谴责投机打击英镑的“苏黎世银行家”。Harold Wilson, a British prime minister, used to fulminate against the “gnomes of Zurich” who speculated against the pound.

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形形色色的政治家都在大肆批评英国名牌大学招收的贫困家庭的学生太少。POLITICIANS of all stripes fulminate at the failure of posh universities to enroll a greater number of students from poor families.

结论肠道病毒感染可能是云南克山病病区急性心肌炎暴发流行的主要病因。Conclusions The primary cause for acute and lethal myocarditis fulminate in Keshan disease area in Yunnan is probablely enterovirus infection.

华盛顿的政治家们不遗余力的指责那些经济危机下仍有恃无恐的高管们,并出台相应规定以使他们有所收敛。WASHINGTON'S politicians have relished the many chances to fulminate against reckless executives presented by the economic crisis, and to restrain them with regulation.

华盛顿的政客们在享受着经济危机带给他们的诸多机会,他们一边怒斥企业高管无法无天,一边制定立法对其严加管束。WASHINGTON’S politicians have relished the many chances to fulminate against reckless executives presented by the economic crisis, and to restrain them with regulation.

结论早期诊断,早期预防及治疗并发症,是提高重症肝炎存活率、降低死亡率的重要措施。Conclusion Diagnosis, prevent and treat the complication in an early period is the importance measure to heighten the salvage rate and lower down the mortality of fulminate hepatitis.