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海兴位于渤海湾沿岸。Haixing lies on the coast of the Bohai Sea.

塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。Tanggu is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay.

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来自上海的通行证渤海在东部地区。From Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east.

渤海湾特有的海鲜更是让您一饱口福。You'll enjoy the special Sea-food of Bohai Bay.

在中山广场附近,渤海大酒店旁。It's near Zhongshan Square, next to Bohai Hotel.

旅顺口是渤海的“咽喉地带”。Lushun is billed as the throat of the Bohai Sea.

七夕节的起源与溅渤海水域。Qixi is the origin of BOhai with splashing waters.

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环渤海经济地区存在的问题及发展。The Bohai economic region and the issue of development.

符合预定要求,张健横渡渤海海峡成功!Zhang Jian has successfully swam across the Bohai Straits'!

是啊,渤海海域有很严重的海冰灾害。Yes, the Bohai Sea waters have very serious sea-ice disaster.

对1597年地震事件作为一次渤海强震提出了质疑。The event in 1597 was doubted as a strong earthquake in Bohai.

这对环渤海以后的发展计划有没有什么影响?This part of the development plan have Bohai beyond what effect?

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我左腿站在黄海上,右腿站在渤海上。My left foot stands on HuangHai sea, and right foot on BoHai sea.

浮游甲藻在渤海湾北部存在高值区。The dinoflagellates abundance is high in the northern Bohai Gulf.

唐代渤海政权与日本隔海相望,往来频繁。Bohai regime of Tang Dynasty had a frequent intercourse with Japan.

在美丽的辽东湾,河海交汇处,有一座美丽富饶的海滨城市-营口。Yingkou City locates at the bay of Liaohe River & Bohai Sea-Yingkou.

通过渤海海峡,渤海有向外海输出的净盐通量。There is a net salinity flux from the Bohai Strait to outer sea area.

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环渤海地区是我国经济增长的第三极。The Around Bohai Region is the third pole of economic jack-up in China.

渤海油区是渤海湾陆相裂谷盆地的一部分。The Bohai oil province is a part of the Bohai bay nonmarine rift basin.

有五条河流从城市穿过,流人东边的渤海。Five rivers run through the city, connecting it to the eastern Bohai Sea.