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美国总统的椭圆形办公室现在已面貌一新。The Oval Office has gotten a makeover.

但这仅仅是改进的一部分。But that was only part of the makeover.

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那么,哪种面值的钞票将会成为下一个改版的呢?So which bill will come next for a makeover?

“明日世界”在1968年进行了第一次大规模翻新。Tomorrowland was given its first major makeover in 1968.

雅虎的主页改版不仅仅是表面的美容。Yahoo's home-page makeover goes beyond surface improvements.

至于牛津的方头平底船是否需要类似的改头换面,仍然要审慎评估。It remains to be seen whether the Oxford punt will get a similar makeover.

女儿们安排专人为妈妈梳妆打扮,作为生日礼物,让她从头到脚,焕然一新。The girls arranged a head-to-toe makeover for their mom as a birthday gift.

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所以IDC认为很多数据中心将被整合而且迎来一次彻底改变。So IDC thinks that many data centres will be consolidated and given a big makeover.

倪最初陷入麻烦是因为北京政府为了奥林匹克而开始进行的市容改造。Ni first got into trouble as the Beijing government began the city’s Olympic makeover.

不过,东能源公司像其它许多煤炭公司一样,热衷于改造肮脏的矿物燃料。But Dong, like many coal companies, is keen to give the dirtiest fossil fuel a makeover.

罗曼·波兰斯基执导的新片出现了好莱坞电影里最神似的托尼·布莱尔。ROMAN POLANSKI’S new film may be the closest Tony Blair will ever get to a Hollywood makeover.

最初几天你能看到的好处已足以鼓励你来个生活模式大转变。The benefits you see in the first few days just may be enough to inspire a lifestyle makeover.

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这种政治圆滑一直伴随着中国经济形象的意外改善。This political tactfulness has been accompanied by an unplanned makeover of its economic image.

你甚至可以为你的明星比如米利塞浦路斯和阿伏尔拉凡美容一番。You can even give your favourite celebrities, such as Miley Cyrus and Avril Lavigne, a makeover.

他们的离职为丰田章男按计划改造这家世界最大汽车公司铺平了道路。The departures clear the way for Mr. Toyoda's planned makeover of the world's biggest auto maker.

日前,英国一个最豪华的公交车站为庆祝世界杯,换上了足球主题装饰风格。In honor of the World Cup, Britain's most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover.

对他长达一年的包装使他变成一个依旧保持经典外形的三维卡通人物。A year-long makeover has transformed him into a vintage-looking yet three-dimensional cartoon character.

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英国一个超级豪华的公交车站近日以世界盃为主题,进行了新装修。In honour of the World Cup, Britain's most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover.

英国一个超级豪华的公交车站近日以世界杯为主题,进行了新装修。In honour of the World Cup, Britain"s most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover."

不久以前,“改变面貌”一词不过是指重新描一下眼影或者染一下头发而已。It was not that long ago that the term makeover suggested little more than a new eye shadow or a dye job.