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宝宝一会儿睡一会儿尿。The baby alternately dozed and puddled.

交替旋入六角头螺栓。Screw in hexagon-head bolts alternately.

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他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。He had alternately whined over his grievances.

他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。He had alternately whined about his grievances.

这小姑娘一会儿生闷气,一会儿和人吵架。The little girl alternately sulked and made scenes.

倾斜的盐过滤器交替地停下以便改造.The tilted salt filters halt alternately for altering.

舞者们交替的弯成弓型,隆起他们的背。The dancers alternately _arched_ and hunched their backs.

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舞蹈、诗歌朗诵穿插表演。Dances and recitations of poems are performed alternately.

激情平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。Passion and wateriness should alternately present as undulate.

这个节目太美丽了,瞬间让观众变得寂静。The program was so beautiful, it alternately hushed the crowd.

深层洁肤面膜可与水分面膜交替用。Deep Cleansing Mask can be used alternately with the water film.

拜日式交替收缩、伸展肌肉群。The Sun Salutation alternately contact and relax group of muscles.

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部分荷载时,双压机交替运行,寿命更长。Part of the load, the double-press alternately run and longer life.

这种风格并不常见,其中还交替出现了散文和诗节。The style is unusual, being alternately written in prose and verse.

我的讲话一会儿是愤怒的鞭鞑,一会儿是娓娓的劝说。My voice alternately lashed out in rage and purred in soft persuasion.

我的有代表性的每一天总是既有沮丧又有欣喜。My representative day has been alternately frustrating and enrapturing.

通过交替的冻结、抽空和溶化来使溶液除气。The solution is degassed by alternately freezing, evacuating and thawing.

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他必须交替地躺在地面上而且升起他的左右方腿。He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs alternately.

为加大动作的难度,可以以球体为支撑,做交替抬膝动作,仿佛在做自行车的踩踏动作。To make it harder, bring the knees alternately to the ball as if pedalling.

她备有6件颜色款式各异的旗袍轮流穿着上岗。She alternately wears 6 different Qipaos in various colors and styles at work.