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他的心灵因屈辱而受伤。His soul was seared by humiliation.

我把最心酸的委屈汇在那里。I collect the sad humiliation there.

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勾践从来没有忘记这段耻辱。Goujian never forgot his humiliation.

从流徙和羞辱中拯救我们。Rescue us from exile and humiliation.

但是迩总羞辱我。However, the total humiliation I Wani.

你忍受着审判带来的耻辱You endured the humiliation of a trial

基督在他的屈辱中得到胜利。Christ's triumph was in His humiliation.

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我们不要忘记国家屈辱的历史。We shall not forget national humiliation.

潘吃惊得忘记了那件丢脸的事。Pen forgot his humiliation in his surprise.

他因一念之差而蒙受屈辱。He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.

最糟糕的是他受的辱没。Worst of all were the humiliation he suffered.

谁也不会甘心忍受这一奇耻大辱。No one will lie down under the deep humiliation.

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他卑屈到了不可思议的地步。He went through incredible extremes of humiliation.

许多妇女们说,机场「上下其手」的检查简直是屈辱。Many women say airport pat-downs are a humiliation.

我们已经遭受了30年的羞辱和折磨。We have suffered 30 years of humiliation and torture.

堕落与羞辱充塞著他的童年。Childhood was nothing but depravation and humiliation.

历史不可磨灭,国耻不能忘却。Indelible history, can not forget national humiliation.

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参孙在羞辱中度过了他一生馀下的日子。Samson then spends the rest of his life in humiliation.

无论卡斯特还是她的家人都不应受到这种羞辱。Neither Caster nor her family deserves this humiliation.

共和国,她洗刷了百年耻辱。Republic, she was scrubbing a hundred years of humiliation.