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我想我们将在下星期去。I reckon we'll go next week.

你是这里的老板吧,我猜想。You are the boss here,I reckon.

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我们算出的是32.95英镑,其中包括增值税。We reckon £32.95. Including VAT.

请你算一算我该付多少钱?Please reckon up how much I must pay.

我的推想已经证实了!My reckon have been already confirmed!

你把坐计程车的费用计算在内了吗?Did you reckon in the cost of the taxi?

未来将如何同这人算清旧帐?。How will the Future reckon with this Man?

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我猜是房产业和银行业的人士。People in property and banking, I reckon.

他忘记把汽油费计算在内。He forgot to reckon in the money on petrol.

我估计他将于中午抵达上海。I reckon he will arrive in Shanghai at noon.

他们认为这本书是他的优秀作品之一。They reckon the book as one of his best works.

当然喽,我想他们也许正在找,我希望如此。Why, I reckon maybe they are. I hope they are.

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我估计自己每天在iPad上花的时间有三四个小时。I reckon I spend 3-4 hours a day using my iPad.

两党都预计自己能靠这个占到便宜。And both parties reckon they can benefit by that.

她不知道如何处理这个问题。She doesn't know how to reckon with this problem.

他们好不容易才做到得失相当。We had to reckon up the gains as well as the losses.

我们认为他是世界上最好的足球守门员。We reckon him to be the best goalkeeper in the world.

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离开巴黎前,我们必须先与旅馆老板把账结清。We must reckon with the innkeeper before leaving Paris.

我觉得跑马拉松要有以苦为乐的精神。I reckon you need to be into masochism to run marathons.

哼,岂有此理!像个找妈妈的小婴儿。Oh, shucks! Baby! You want to see your mother, I reckon.