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动物毛皮、草皮及海藻被用于铺设地面和床铺。Animal furs, grasses, and seaweed were used as carpeting and bedding.

我的鞋跟把我的汽车里加速器下面的地毯磨穿了。My heel wore through the carpeting beneath the accelerator of my car.

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母亲将客厅的地毯揭掉,铺上一块小的新地毯。Mother tore up the carpeting in the living room and had a new rug put in.

考虑更换并处理被污染的地毯和其他软的物品Consider Removal and Disposal of Contaminated Carpeting and Other Soft Items

酒杯已经空了,他皱了皱眉,随手一扔,酒杯掉到全息显像井的厚毛毯上。He frowned at the empty glass and dropped it onto the thick carpeting of the holopit.

我特别记得其国家大教堂中那磨损的地毯和坏掉的长椅。I remember especially the frayed carpeting and broken pews in the National Cathedral.

这不仅应用在颜料和毛毯料的选择上,也可以是玩具、床上用品和家具的选择上。This not only applies to paints and carpeting choices, but also toys, bedding, and furniture.

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杰米﹒施佩希特很烦明亮的灯光、真空吸尘器和地毯接触皮肤的感觉。Jamie Specht is bothered by bright lights, vacuum cleaners and the feel of carpeting against her skin.

脏掉的布料全部都撕掉换新的,这一切都是卖方的支出。Cracked driveways have to be repaved , and dirty carpeting torn out and replaced. All at the seller's expense.

不可以,地毯并不能保证你不会踩到大头针、大头钉、玩具或者狗骨头上,还有猫咪带过来的任何东西。No! Carpeting does not prevent you from stepping on pins, tacks, toys, dog bones, and whatever the cat brought in.

他们正在重新设置它们的柜台,不把事情过高或过低,他们将在商店地毯。They're re-setting their counters, not putting things too high or too low, they're putting carpeting in the store.

使用环保型粘合剂,密封剂,油漆,涂料和地毯的排放的挥发性有机化合物含量较低。Use eco-friendly adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings and carpeting that emit low levels of volatile organic compounds.

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使用手工或机器装订机,接缝熨斗,粘结胶带或其他粘接材料测量,切割和安装地毯。Measure, cut and install carpeting using hand or machine stitcher, seaming iron, bonding tape or other bonding materials.

原来是我早先放在我座位下面的空杯子滚到后面,并超过了那条地毯上的假想线。I had put my empty cup under my seat and it had slid backward, crossing an imaginary line in the carpeting. She was peeved.

我们会用适当的程序和正确的化学品清洁你的地毯。Hoi Luen Environmental Services will employ the proper procedures and apply the correct chemicals to clean your type of carpeting.

内政部特点专用材料和花边,其中包括皮革,铝,而优良的地毯被发现出来。The interior features exclusive materials and trims , including leathers and aluminum, and the fine carpeting are found throughout.

居室螨虫害的预防措施应在规划装修时就充分考虑,尽量少铺地毯、挂毯。Store mites pest prevention measures should be fully taken into account in planning the decoration on, minimize carpeting and tapestry.

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相反,大多数的孩子会在你第五次全面换墙纸的时候改掉这个脏毛病。On the positive side, most children grow out of this filthy habit soon after you’ve replaced your wall-to-wall carpeting for the fifth time.

这里以前的租客最近搬走了,他们甚至带走了那铺满整个走廊的地毯,所以他们脚下的是环氧树脂包被的混凝土地面。The former tenants had recently left, taking even the wall-to-wall carpeting with them, so we walked over slabs of epoxy-encrusted concrete.

建筑内部,苍白的松树面材搭配泥土色的地毯,为穿着滑雪服的顾客提供了一个耐久和自由滑动的空间。Inside, pale pine surfaces are paired with earth-coloured carpeting to provide a durable and slip-free space for customers wearing ski boots.