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南极洲约百分之九十五的地方被厚度差不多的常积不消的冰覆盖着。Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging.

同时,全球变暖正使覆盖格陵兰岛84万平方英里近80%的巨大积冰快速融化。rapidly melting the mighty icecap that covers some 80 percent of Greenland’s 840, 000 square miles.

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冰岛最大的冰盖非常广袤,其面积甚至超过了欧洲大陆冰川面积的总和。Iceland's biggest icecap is enormous. It's larger than all the glaciers in mainland Europe combined.

人们对这条冰湾的研究超过250年,冰湾有利于我们对气候变化和冰河学的了解。Studied for over 250 years, it has helped to develop our understanding of climate change and icecap glaciology.

虽然此次火山喷发始于熔岩喷发,但实际上在三月份冰冠边缘就有了喷发的迹象。Although this volcano began by erupting lava, the eruption actually began on the edge of the icecap during March.

最主要的危害就是导致南北两极的冰盖融化,使海平面上升。The main hazard is that it cause the icecap melt away in the South Pole and the North Pole, causing the rise of the sea level.

大部分旅客只会沿着这片巨大冰盖的边缘游览,但如果你真的喜欢冒险,也不妨去这片冰盖深入探险一番。Most people only tour along the edges of this massive icecap. If you are really adventurous, you can explore the icecap itself.

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科学家提出警告,不用等到2100年后的世纪末,2020到2037年间,冰山将会完全融化,未来的30年内就会开始受到影响。But we may not have to wait until 2100 to find out. Scientists warn that the Arctic icecap will completely melt between the years 2020-2037.

到那时他希望他已经训练出足够的新“制冰人”来继承他的工作,并帮助世界“第三块冰盖”摆脱变成河流的命运。By then he hopes he will have trained enough new "icemen" to continue his work and save the world's "third icecap" from being transformed into rivers.

但针对南极地区这一基础地理信息缺乏,环境特殊的科考导航系统的开发研究却极其少见。This paper designed the navigation service system which is able to be applied to the exploration activity on the Antarctica from Zhongshan station to DOME-A inland icecap.

苔原北极地区冰盖和乔本植被线之间的无树地区,有永冻底土,并支撑低的植物,如苔藓、地衣和发育不全的灌木。A treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs.