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“是的,那是一条响尾蛇,我不会走近的。”完了!Yes, that's a rattler , I won't go near it. ' Finished!

许多人看到响尾蛇时都十分害怕,马上就打电话求助。Many people are frightened when they see a rattler and call for help right away.

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如果我是响尾蛇队,我就爱我的队友,尊重他这个队友,尊重他的为人。If I'm a Rattler, I should learn to love my fellow Rattler and appreciate him as a fellow, as a person.

他打开箱盖,用一只长柄钩,拿起一个有黑色和棕色经典钻石图案的菱斑响尾蛇。He opens a tub and, using a long-handled hook, picks up a classic black and brown diamond-patterned rattler.

他打开箱盖,用一只长柄钩,拿起一个有黑色和棕色经典钻石图案的菱斑响尾蛇。He opens a tub and, using a long-handled hook, picks up a classic black and brown diamond-patterned rattler.

一条15英尺的毒蛇向我扑过来,我抓住它,把它的头咬下来,然后把毒液吐到15码外的痰盂里。Yesterday a 15-foot rattler came at me, so I grabbed it, bit its head off, and spit the poison into a spittoon 15 yards away.

锄头落在蛇身中部的某个部位,响尾蛇从原先盘绕的姿势开始伸直身体,我又一声尖叫,朝蛇猛击了一下。The hoe connected somewhere in the snake's midsection. The rattler stretched out from its coiled position, and I yelled and struck again.

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现在这个时候应该没有蛇了,但是,连着下了好几天的雨让响尾蛇和铜斑蛇可能会在下午时候出来晒太阳。It was late in year for snakes, but after days of rain the afternoon was warm and sunny enough to bring a rattler or copperhead out to sun.

我打着手电筒,让光线沿着大梁支撑着上面地板的墙壁顶部搜寻着,不一会我又发现一条响尾蛇在我的头顶上方缓慢地移动着。Shining a flashlight along the tops of the walls, where the beams support the floor above, I saw an-other rattler slowly moving above my head.

响尾蛇位于鼻子上的中空骨腔被称为颊窝器官,内含热敏感的极度薄膜,是与大脑相连的刺激感受器。The diamondback rattler has hollow, bony cavities above the nose called pit organs containing ultra-thin, heat-sensing membranes that activate receptors connected to the brain.

矮草响尾蛇协会穿红背心的牧蛇人在炫耀他们为在俄克拉荷马曼格姆第四十五届年度曼格姆响尾蛇比赛而收集的西部菱斑响尾蛇。Red-vested rattler wranglers with the Shortgrass Rattlesnake Association show off western diamondbacks they collected for the 45th annual Mangum Rattlesnake Derby in Mangum, Oklahoma.

然后他们开始了,他们想…,他们进行和谈,老鹰队的代表,和响尾蛇队的代表,安排见面,制定方法,从而解除武装,不再说脏话,诸如此类的目标。So they started off. They wanted to have-- They set up peace talks where a representative of the Eagle and a representative of the Rattler were set to meet and plan ways so that they could disarm and stop using cuss words and everything like that.