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斯塔德是一种希腊的长度单位,大约有一百九十二米。Stadia is a Greek measurment and is about 192 meters long.

我们有世界顶级的足球体育场的设计实践。We represent the world's best practice in football stadia design.

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将来的体育场的设计不仅仅是简单地解决当前之需,而是要做长期的打算。The future of stadia design is not about simple solutions but long term approaches.

大部分游人会径直去体育场看这个城市的两支足球队的训练。Mainly head straight for the stadia to catch the city's two football teams in action.

以上这些问题只是体育馆设计人员必须考虑的极小部分。These are just a few of the thousands of considerations stadia designers must plan for.

奥林匹亚球场可谓是世界上最壮观的球场之一。München's Olympiastadion is truly one of the most extraordinary stadia in all the world.

灰飞虱以3龄、4龄若虫越冬,平均过冷却点分别为-7。The nymphs of 3and 4 stadia can hibernate, their average supercooling temperature are -7.

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比赛前后奥运村和所有的体育场馆都将便于残疾人进出。The Olympic Village and all of the stadia will be fully accessible both during and after Games.

坐在任何位置都可以有良好的视线,它的路线设计仍在现代体育场中被使用。The sightlines are excellent from any seat and the circulation design is still used in modern stadia.

并且安菲尔德和古迪逊公园两家都没有达成国际足联规定世界杯的球场标准。Neither Anfield nor Goodison Park currently meet FIFA criteria as stadia which can host World Cup games.

流出神的酒榨的血高到马的嚼环,远有一千六百斯塔德。John writes the blood from God's wine press rising as high as horses' bridle for a distance of 1,600 Stadia.

营销组合策略是关系到大型体育场馆经营效果的重要因素。Marketing-mix strategy is an essential factor to influence the management of large-scaled stadia and gymnasia.

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体育场还可设计成包括一系列与社团有关联的部分,以鼓励社团拥有体育场的所有权。Stadia are also designed to include a range of linkages with the community to encourage ownership of the stadium by the community.

德甲有着最好的球场和最高的上座率,如果哪个球员愿意为尤文等球队踢球,那么肯定有其他的原因。The Bundesliga itself offers the best stadia and the highest attendances , there must be other reasons if a player likes to play at Juve for example.

您也可以选择将站在靠近球场,选择具有类似于某些视距笼在德国和世界其它地方。You can also choose to bring the stands closer to the pitch and choose to have a cage similar to certain stadia present in Germany and other parts of the world.

体育场设计中包括一系列设施,诸如宾馆、小卖部、会议室和易于改成套房的会议室。Stadia are designed to include a range of facilities such as restaurants, retail, conference rooms and corporate suites that can be reconfigured into hotel rooms.

警察也逮捕了一些俱乐部的‘首领’,新的全座场馆可以将团队分散在一些固定的座位上,而且闭路电视的采纳更可以分辨肇事者。The police arrested some of the "top boys" at many clubs, the new all-seater stadia dispersed groups to fixed seats and incorporated CCTV that can identify troublemakers.

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作为干扰敌方红外跟踪系统的红外诱饵弹及提高己方红外夜视器材视距的红外隐身照明弹,越来越受到各国军方的高度重视。Infrared decoy which is used to disturb enemy infrared tracking system and infrared hide star shell which improves stadia of infrared equipment are paid great attention by army.

该方法是以视距尺的定长作基线,利用经纬仪测定基线两端点的竖直角,求出立尺点至测站点间的距离。This method apply the length of the stadia as base line, survey the vertical angular of the two ends of the base ling by theodolite and get the distance between the station and stadia.

在较高温度条件下,幼虫的滞育更不稳定,一般仅表现为生长的短暂停滞和幼虫历期的相对延长。When larvae in early stadia were reared in the short-day condition, their growth and development usually show both temporary delay in the later instar and relative prolongation of whole larval stage.