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那孩子看来很饿了。The child looked half famished.

体育锻炼后你觉得饥饿吗?Do you feel famished after working out?

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当眼儿渴望要一见你的尊容。When that mine eye is famished for a look.

唯一具尸体-那三个饿殍之一。Save one, a corpse, from out the famished three.

老人们空着肚子得拿眼泪当做水,咽到肚中去。The famished old folk could only swallow their tears.

我的脚现在筋疲力尽,我绝对是极饿了。My feet are now killing me and I'm absolutely famished.

捕鲸的目的即是为当时忍饥挨饿的日本人提供一些廉价营养。The aim was to provide cheap nourishment for a famished nation.

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布莱克松早已经饥肠辘辘,经受着败血症的折磨,嘴巴干裂,身体疼痛。Blackthorne was famished and his mouth and body ached from the scurvy.

我们供食物和酒给那些从地府来到人间的饿鬼。We offer food and wine to the famished ghosts that come up to earth from hell.

它们见到B好像很高兴,但当他把笼门打开时,那些鸟发出饥饿的叫声飞了出来。They seemed delighted to see B, but flew off with famished cries when he unlocked the bars.

只要爱产生了生活,没有一个孩子遗弃,或没有一个孩子饥饿,或对爱的渴望感到饥荒。So long as love begets life no child is deserted, or hungry, or famished for the want of affection.

又饿又怕的她未加计划地敲门,直至一位陌生人帮助她联系上她的亲戚。Famished and terrified, she said she banged randomly on doors until a stranger helped her contact them.

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在玫瑰盛开的时光里,爱情是美酒,——但当花瓣凋零时,它就是饥饿岁月中的食物了。In the bounteous time of roses love in wine , -it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed.

失掉自己婴儿的沙伦玫瑰用她的乳汁喂养那个快要饿死的男子。Rose of Sharon, franklin marshall, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her breasts.

一只饥肠辘辘的狐狸爬进一个葡萄园,成熟甘美的葡萄高高的挂在树阴的明显位置。A famished fox crept into a vineyard where ripe, luscious grapes were draped high upon arbors in a most tempting display.

当Utnapishtim献上祭品时,众神一拥而上,像苍蝇一样围在供桌旁。At the end when Utnapishtim offers the sacrifice, the gods are famished and they crowd around the sacrifice like flies, the text says.

没有爪牙的人,好比一个饿不择食,吃了有毒的食品,没有不中毒死亡的。A general without a group of capable assistants is analogous to a famished man eating poisonous food, there is no chance of surviving the poison.

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“那得看情况再说。”“半学士”居高临下的说。“鸭子,跑跑腿给我们的小朋友弄点汤。他一定饿坏了。”"That remains to be seen. " The Halfmaester stood over him. "Duck, be a fine fowl and boil some broth for our little friend here. He must be famished. "

在一项对大脑受饥饿影响的研究中,神经科学家将大脑产生的各种影响进行了一个整体的分析,得出这样的一个结论,即我们在饥饿的时候会购买更多的食品。In a new study of hunger's effects on the mind, neuroscientists pieced together what happens in the brain that makes us buy more food when we are famished.

但是,由于在索马里的边境内没有常设的人道救援机构,多布莱镇的五千户左右人家,必须尽力协助这些已经断粮的难民。But with no permanent international humanitarian presence on the Somali side of the border, the town of about 5,000 families must do what they can to help the famished refugees.