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神的良善和信实?God's goodness and faithfulness?

他的一片忠诚令人感动。His dog-like faithfulness was touching.

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以诚实聘你归我,你就必认识我耶和华。I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness.

忠心一直是罕有的特质。Faithfulness has always been a rare quality.

如正义、守诺、忠顺、贞操等。Justice, honesty, faithfulness and chastity.

你的信仰使你对上帝更忠诚。Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God.

我不祈求成功,我祈求忠诚。I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.

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爱狄和母亲都感谢主的信实。Edie and her mom thanked the Lord for His faithfulness.

谋善的,必得慈爱和诚实。But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.

保罗认为这很重要,因为那是上帝的虔信。This is important for Paul because that's God's faithfulness.

尘土岂能称赞你,传说你的诚实吗?Will the dust praise you? Will it proclaim your faithfulness?

在路加福音1中玛利亚的歌是以诚实的上帝主题结尾的。Mary's song in Luke 1 ends with the theme of God's faithfulness.

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成功的汉诗英译,应体现出“信”与“美”的和谐统一。A successful translation is the unity of faithfulness and beauty.

精神的考验能够加强个性的和忠实度。Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness.

更美好的是,神应允要在永恒的国度里赏赐你的忠心。Even better, God has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity.

他的信心证明了他对主的启示和应许的信仰。His faithfulness demonstrated his faith in the vision and its promise.

他说,不要,那样做是在放弃对上帝的信仰。He basically said no, you're actually nullifying the faithfulness of God.

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对低轮次DES体制的忠实性进行了分析。In this paper, we studied the faithfulness of the DES within lower rounds.

显然,“忠恕”是天下和平、四海无波之根本。Obviously, " faithfulness and forgiveness" is the root for the world peace.

女人一经诱惑就会放弃忠诚而行为不检。If tempted any woman will, for sure, give up her faithfulness and act impure.