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捏住球节上方的筋腱。Pinch the tendon above the fetlock.

他没有任何身体上的问题,他膝盖的肌腱已全愈。The tendon in his knee is totally healed.

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腱鞘囊肿的治疗方法?。The remedial method of tendon sheath cyst?

高跟同样会改变肌肉及肌腱的结构。Heels also alter muscle and tendon structure.

异体肌腱可长期存活。Long-term survival of tendon allografts was possible.

肌腱发炎是由于腱的退化。Tendonitis is caused by the degeneration of a tendon.

阿基里斯腱断裂可以是局部的,也可以是完全的。An Achilles tendon rupture can be partial or complete.

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偏偏牛蹄筋汤,能够控制癌块的生长和转移。Only cow tendon soup can control and spread of tumors.

后腿腱四足动物跗关节后的一个大肌腱。The large tendon in the back of the hock of a quadruped.

记录的最常见的CTD类型是腱失调。The most common type of CTDs noted are Tendon Disorders.

目的探索满足肌腱早期活动的缝合方法。Objective To discuss a good method of suture on flexor tendon.

方法从大鼠鼠尾肌腱中提取胶原。Methods The collagen was obtained from the tendon of mouse tail.

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介绍了可换索体系对各组成部分的要求。This paper introduces requirements of replaceable tendon system.

采用鸡的趾深屈肌腱细胞构建组织工程肌腱。The engineered tendon was constructed with the tendon bioreactor.

问题的关键是在肘部的肌腱上的折痕方内。The point is at the elbow crease on the inner side of the tendon.

问题的关键是在肘部的肌腱上的折痕边外。The point is at the elbow crease on the outer side of the tendon.

这是虾子蹄筋,是这家饭店的特色菜。It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of this restaurant.

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伸肌腱撕裂伤可以由急诊医生进行修补。Extensor tendon lacerations can be repaired by emergency providers.

利用酸碱溶解法,从牛腱中提取了可溶性胶原材料。Soluble collagen was extracted from bovine tendon in acid solution.

肌腱断裂或缺损是手外科常见的损伤之一。It, s a common injury of tendon broken and defection in hand surgery.