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我们哀悼它的消失。We lament its loss.

对此,许多人因苦无良方而兴叹。To this, many people lament their limited wits.

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但梅斯稍后便知其决定是错的。Mace Windu would later lament the poor decision.

依然是那些嘴巴的悲叹,依然是那些哀求的血液。Lament of old mouths, blood of old supplications.

不要慨叹生活的痛苦!慨叹是弱者。——高尔基。Don't lament the pain of life! Lament is the weak.

有些中国人哀叹说这已经发生了。Some Chinese lament that this is already happening.

野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。Wildflower waltz, sheep creek waltz, dead calf lament.

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长歌当哭,是必须在痛定之后的。We can make no long lament till after our pain is dulled.

不要悲叹过去,也不要醉生梦死。Don't lament for the past, don't expect too much in future.

他的挽歌也影响了现代大多数的科学探索。His lament colors most modern scientific inquiries as well.

可怜的燕子只有在悲鸣中到处寻觅安身之地。Swallow poor lament only to find shelter in place everywhere.

不要为小的得失而悲伤,尤其是那些无足轻重的。Don’t lament small failures, especially if they are not important.

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收割季节来临时抱怨错过撒种的时刻,是无补于事了。In harvest, it is vain to lament that the seed time was neglected.

或许是因为如此一来我们便会抱怨自己的限界。Perhaps it is because we would otherwise have to lament our limits.

挽歌,挽诗专门为悼念某一死者所写的诗或歌。A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person.

出自原来嘴巴的哭声,因古老恳求而流的血。Lament of old mouths, blood of old supplications. Love me, companion.

有许多人怕死,叹息自己并没有得到神在临终时所给的祝福。Many people dread death, and lament that they have not “dying grace.”

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然后,王后开始哀叹和哭泣,使假人同情她。Then the queen began to lament and cry, so that the manikin pitied her.

我泣不成声啊满心悲伤,哀叹自己是这样生不逢辰。I choke with sobs ah full of sorrow, lament that they are like to crash.

哀辞和诔文是先唐哀祭文的主要表现形式,在文体表现方面二者也存在一定的差异。Lament and eulogy of the dead are the main modes in the Pre-Tang dynasty.