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他们简直是社会的疱疹。He has the social appeal of herpes.

别担心生殖器疱疹或者艾滋病病毒。Don't worry about genital herpes or HIV.

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“知道”,美吕说,“你要得疱疹。”"Yes, " she says. "You're getting herpes.

有可以预防疱疹的疫苗吗?Q12. Is there a vaccine to prevent herpes?

请问泡疹疼痛用什么药?。What drug does herpes use sorely excuse me?

你肯定不想与得疱疹的人约会。You don’t want to be dating someone with herpes.

生殖器疱疹让人又恼尴尬。Having genital herpes is annoying and embarrassing.

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胸苷激酶基因被发现在单纯疱疹病毒。Thymidine kinase gene is found in herpes simplex virus.

疱疹是否是终生性的病毒,是否可以清除?Q15. Is herpes a lifelong virus or will it ever go away?

我们有权知道潜在的伴侣是否患有疱疹。We have a right to know if a potential partner has herpes.

我的生殖器疱疹会复发吗?Q8. Will I have reoccurring outbreaks of my genital herpes?

单纯疱疹病毒脑炎有特有的神经解剖学特征。Cold sores caused by herpes virus type1 are very contagious.

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一型疱疹病毒造成的唇疱疹是非常易传染性的。Cold sores caused by herpes virus type1 are very contagious.

我是孕妇,并且我患有生殖器疱疹,我应该怎样做?Q17. I'm pregnant, and I have genital herpes. What should I do?

最快多久可以通过检验来确定自己是否感染了疱疹?Q5. How early can I take a test to determine if I caught herpes?

单纯疱疹性角膜炎是眼科常见病,多发病。Herpes simplex keratitis is common in department of ophthalmology.

所以,几天前关于疱疹的话题开始出现,这一点也不奇怪。So, it wasn’t odd a few days ago when the topic of herpes came up.

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不同部位的带状疱疹应用不同疗法。The different therapy was used for deferent parts of herpes zoster.

此种“穿孔”性溃疡提示有单纯疱疹病毒的感染。Such "punched out" ulcers are suggestive of herpes simplex infection.

我会把我的口腔疱疹传染到自己的生殖器,眼睛或其他部位吗?Q13. Can I transmit oral herpes to my own genitals, eyes, or elsewhere?