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只能使大家心烦意乱。It's just a distraction.

分心会害死你,或其他人。Distraction kills – you or others.

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我们生活在一个注意力分散的时代。We live in the age of distraction.

工作之馀我们需要散散心。We need some distraction after work.

对于某一部分人而言是恼人的干扰。For some, it is an annoying distraction.

最殊胜的禅修是不散乱。Supreme meditation is without distraction.

我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱。I need some distraction or a beautiful release.

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今天孩子们闹得我心烦意乱。The children are driving me to distraction today.

他们的全民消遣就是去蹦迪。Their national distraction is going to the disco.

牵张间隙内新骨生成良好。Bone regeneration was perfect in the distraction gap.

简单一句话,苏菲亚爱他爱得神魂颠倒了。In a word, Sophia was in love with him to distraction.

我们请她去迪斯科舞会吧,她需要散散心。Let's invite her to the disco — she needs distraction.

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此外还将会成为一些虚荣演员的分心物。It can also be a source of distraction for vain actors.

辛苦一天之后,看电视有时是很美的逍遣。TV can be a welcome distraction after a hard day's work.

我一直都知道走神是我的一个问题。I have always known that distraction is a problem for me.

Mandel认为压力会导致注意力分散和不专心。Stress causes distraction and lack of focus, says Mandel.

天空对于人类是永恒不变的幻想空间。The sky is a constant and fantastic distraction for humans.

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在亚利桑那,有很多事情能让我从跑步中分散注意力。In Arizona, I have had plenty of distraction from the running.

撑开过程的扭力变化如何?。What is the distractive torsion change during the distraction?

注意广度与持久性与分心正相关显著。Children'persistence was associated positively with distraction.