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泰国当地高纯度的石英矿。High purity local Quartz, 3.

高纯铝反射器罩。High purity aluminum reflector.

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高纯铝反射器。High purity aluminium reflector.

达到技术纯度要求的铝锭.Aluminium bars of technical purity.

纯洁,一种永不被玷污的纯洁。A purity that will never be defiled.

全权与全爱,全善全能神。Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

其雅之纯,其爱之光。The light of love, the purity of grace.

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童稚的心,享受单纯本身的喜悦。A childlike heart enjoys the joy of purity.

DUS测试及种子纯度鉴定。DUS testing and purity testing for hybrids.

龙血纯度高的人才能抵抗。Dracaena people who can resist high purity.

纯洁是属于瑜伽士或修道士的观念。Purity is an idea for the yogi or the monk.

在纹章学中,白色描绘的是信仰与纯洁。In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity.

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那恋爱本身就是亵渎了爱情的纯洁。That kind of love defiles its purity simply.

高纯铝反光板条形压花设计。Strip pattern high purity aluminum reflector.

我们总是希望一段关系黑白分明。We too often look for purity in relationships.

他们崇拜希特勒对种族纯化所做的贡献。They praise Hitler's devotion to ethnic purity.

这个纯洁的孩子就是你,是你,现在仍然还是你。This purity was you, is you, and remains as you.

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空之美,这里没有污染,只有纯净。In Emptiness, there is no pollution, just purity.

他尤为看重纯正的种族血统And he was especially obsessed with racial purity.

这就是纯洁和神圣的关系。That's the connection between holiness and purity.