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洗礼仪式的天是阳光充足的和明亮的。The day of the christening was sunny and bright.

女王的矢车菊蓝帽子在2013年乔治王子的洗礼时初次亮相。The Queen's cornflower blue hat got its first outing at Prince George's Christening in 2013.

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在受洗的那一天,皇宫到处金碧辉煌。光线甚至照到最高的塔顶。On the day of the christening the palace was shining. Lights shone even to the highest tower.

国王非常高兴有了一个女儿,说,“我们一定要给她举行一个盛大的洗礼仪式。”" We must have a grand christening for her," said the King , who was delighted to have a daughter.

中船喜气洋洋的为新船裕亨轮,举行交船命名典礼。One of China Shipbuilding Corporation's new efforts, the Cemtex Hunter, at its christening ceremony.

在2002年他就染过粉红色指甲参加过伊丽莎白-赫利的新婴儿洗礼仪式。ously wore pink varnish on his fingernails while attending the christening of Elizabeth Hurley’s baby.

据悉,该洗礼仪式将被排成纪录片,7月21日在英国第四频道播出。The triple christening ceremony will feature in a C4 Cutting Edge documentary due to be aired on July 21.

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在她十六岁生日的那天,国王和皇后计画了一个比她受洗仪式还要盛大的庆祝会。On her sixteenth birthday the king and queen planned a celebration that was much bigger than the christening.

另外,贝克汉姆也对粉红色指甲情有独钟。在2002年他就染过粉红色指甲参加过伊丽莎白?赫利的新婴儿洗礼仪式。In 2002, the LA Galaxy player fam?ously wore pink varnish on his fingernails while attending the christening of Elizabeth Hurleys baby.

在2002年他就染过粉红色指甲参加过伊丽莎白-赫利的新婴儿洗礼仪式。In 2002, the LA Galaxy player famously wore pink varnish on his fingernails while attending the christening of Elizabeth Hurley’s baby.

另外,贝克汉姆也对粉红色指甲情有独钟。在2002年他就染过粉红色指甲参加过伊丽莎白?赫利的新婴儿洗礼仪式。In 2002, the LA Galaxy player fam?ously wore pink varnish on his fingernails while attending the christening of Elizabeth Hurley's baby.

这张照片的拍摄地是肯辛顿宫,由摄影师贾森-贝尔掌镜,乔治王子接受洗礼时的官方照片也是他亲自拍摄的。The photograph, was taken at Kensington Palace by Jason Bell, who also took the official pictures of Prince George's christening in October.

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英国的一对百万富翁男同性恋通过代孕妈妈,喜获第二对双胞胎儿子,并于近日为两个宝宝举行了洗礼节式。A millionaire gay couple who made legal history when they fathered twins using a surrogate mother held a christening for their children July 4.

这张照片是由著名时尚摄影师马里奥特斯蒂诺在小王子妹妹夏洛特公主月初洗礼之时拍摄的。The picture was taken by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino at his little sister Princess Charlotte's christening earlier this month.

英国的一对百万富翁男同性恋通过代孕妈妈,喜获第二对双胞胎儿子,并于近日为两个宝宝举行了洗礼仪式。A millionaire gay couple who made legal history when they fathered twins using a surrogate mother held a christening for their children July 4.

“这个价钱,你可以有一个精神导师,他给你洗礼,并灌输一些无用的理念,这些全部要付现金,”市长先生说。"For this price, you are introduced to a guru, made to go on a procession, offered a christening and other rubbish, all payable in cash, " said Mr Delord.

这不同于我平时习惯做的婚礼、生日或洗礼蛋糕,朋友和家人们的好评简直令我受宠若惊。It makes a change from the usual wedding, birthday, or christening cakes that I'm used to and the reception I've had from friends and family has been amazing.

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在很大的松木碗橱上摆放着婴儿的照片,洗礼仪式的照片,还有印有自己照片的瓷盘,瓷盘上有“爸爸我爱你”和“给世界上最好的爸爸”的字。On the large pine dresser stand baby photographs, christening snaps and paint-your-own ceramic plates daubed with the sentiments 'I love you Daddy' and 'To the best Daddy in the world'.

伊丽莎白听到他对咖苔琳夫人尊敬得那么出奇,而且他竟那么好心好意,随时替他自己教区里的居民行洗礼,主持婚礼和丧礼,不觉大为吃惊。Elizabeth was chiefly struck with his extraordinary deference for Lady Catherine, and his kind intention of christening , marrying, and burying his parishioners whenever it were required.