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我也喜欢孟菲斯市。I love the city of Memphis too.

我伯父是孟菲斯市市长。My uncle was the mayor of Memphis.

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贺绍强希望孟菲斯有人能帮助他们。He hopes someone in Memphis will help.

拜纳姆在1月13日与灰熊的比赛中受伤。Bynum was injured Jan. 13 against Memphis.

米勒将会得到一份不错的合同并从灰熊队离开。He will get a good deal and out of Memphis.

梅奥,现在他已经是孟菲斯灰熊队的一员。J. Mayo, now a member of the Memphis Grizzlies.

这是我在曼菲士见过的最大的卡车。That's the biggest truck I have seen in Memphis.

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这是我在孟菲斯市见过的最大的卡车。That's the biggest truck I have seen in Memphis.

他是选秀日当天被灰熊交易到火箭的。He was acquired from Memphis in a draft-day trade.

孟菲斯中文学校是非盈利机构。Memphis Chinese School is a non-profit organization.

投机地产的杰克逊参与了孟菲斯城的建设。As a land speculator he cofounded the city of Memphis.

但是努比亚人被一路打退到孟菲斯。But the Nubians were pushed back all the way to Memphis.

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你只是不知道他在灰熊时就很出色。You just don't know he's good because he has been in Memphis.

1977年8月16日,埃尔维斯死于孟菲斯州格拉斯兰的家中。Elvis died at his Memphis home, Graceland, on August 16, 1977.

因为要修大巴士,我们只好在孟菲斯过夜。We had to lay over in Memphis while we made repairs on the bus.

孟菲斯必须要冒这个险解盘,因为他们那种旮旯地儿不会有很多自由球员愿意去。Memphis had to take the risk, they don't get a ton of FAs there.

孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.

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孟菲斯及全国受到的影响将是长久的。The repercussions will be long-lasting, in Memphis and nationwide.

科比在过去11次对阵灰熊的比赛中均场拿到34.4分。Bryant is averaging 34.4 points in his last 11 games versus Memphis.

田纳西西南部的一个城镇,孟斐斯的郊区。人口7,70。A town of southwest Tennessee, a suburb of Memphis. Population, 7,70.