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答案是响亮的“是”。The answer is a resounding yes.

孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。Solitude has become a resounding only notes.

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我就成了鸣的锣、响的钹一般。I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹一般。I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

可是会议室里的手机依然响成一片。However, the rings still exist resounding in the room.

卡托研究所称这个政策是“一场彻底的胜利。”The institute called the policy “a resounding success.

在他们身后,巨型铁门阖上,“锵”的一声巨响。Behind them, the great iron doors closed with a resounding clang.

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我听到我们的和声在体育馆巨大的喇叭中回响。I heard our harmonies resounding from the stadium's giant speakers.

背弹琵琶﹐仙音嘹扬。Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding.

无论您的回答是什么,真正的答案是响亮的“是”。Whatever you might have answered, the real answer is a resounding Yes!

对于这个美国第二大城市的商业界来说,答案非常肯定。For the Second City's business community, the answer is a resounding yes.

他与总管的第一次正面冲突是彻底的胜利。HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.

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可是会议室里的手机依然响成一片。We still, however, always hear the beeps resounding throughout the chamber.

我肯定我们曾经都有能以响亮的YES来回答这些问题!I’m sure we’ve all been able to answer these questions with a resounding YES!

当它们跌落到水中时,发出的声响也比白天更响亮。Their resounding plops when hitting water again seem even louder than by day.

按大多数标准衡量,中国的经济改革已彻底成功。BY most measures, China’s economic transformation has been a resounding success.

中国总理的话掷地有声,它所传递的信息是那样坚定、那样明确。Chinese Prime Minister's resounding words, the message that it is as firm as clear.

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然而这份长达376页的报告却遭遇了人们的嘘声一片。The report—all 376 pages of it—has, however, been greeted by a resounding raspberry.

我无论叫他做什么,他都只给我一个响亮的“不”,这激怒了我。Everything I asked him to do was met with a resounding “No!” Something in me snapped.

已过“耳顺之年”的王国春精神矍铄,说话时更是掷地有声。Over "a year ear-shun" the spirit of Wang Guochun healthy, speak more resounding yes.