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厌倦了孟加拉国、尼日利亚和蒙古这样落后的边远小国?Tired of fusty old outposts such as Bangladesh, Nigeria or Mongolia?

这一古板的老旧机构拒绝承认人们对流行音乐的需求。The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music.

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我们要清除所有这些过时的教育观念,引进一些…We want to clear away all these fusty ideas about education and bring in some up-to-date methods.

你总不能一辈子守着你那条乏味的臭哄哄的老河,成天呆在河岸上一个洞里,呆在船上吧?You surely don't mean to stick to your dull fusty old river all your life, and just live in a hole in a bank, and BOAT?

他为观众带来了各类俗气的娱乐节目以及进口肥皂剧,一扫了当时传媒行业的古板守旧作风。He gave people brash game shows and imported soaps, sweeping away the fusty piety that had previously dominated the media.

他霉烂的作品为一种恶臭的美,或是一种死亡的美,而粘毛的作品是一种恐怖的美。His fusty works is a kind of rotten beauty, or a kind of beauty of death, but the sticky fur works is a kind of horrific beauty.

观众们的观看也是如此,似乎那些与女性的身份地位有关的陈腐而无趣的宣言,批判,讽刺,永远都会是女性艺术的核心。The audience is also puzzled by those fusty and arid proclaims, critics and satires, which pretend to be the forever essence of female artists.

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戚继光就发现军队的问题是整个国家的问题,这整个国家,太多的制度太死了,要调动军队都很麻烦。Why?Qi found that the problem is referred to the whole empire. There were too many fusty systems in this country which made generals move troops difficultly.

日本旅行者带着的存满了日元的信用卡转化成了英国旅游业80年代的巨大财富,并挽救了很多相当陈旧古板的英国奢侈品品牌。JAPANESE tourists bearing credit cards loaded with yen transformed the fortunes of British tourism in the 1980s, and also rescued a handful of rather fusty British luxury brands.

缺乏开拓进取的精神也是陈奂生性格中的一个突出缺陷,狭窄的视野、陈腐的观念显示出了他与现时代的格格不入。Lacking the spirit of forging ahead is also an evident shortcoming of Chenhuanshseng's character. Narrow field of vision and fusty conception show his incompatibility with modern society.