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语音知识的功能相当类似。Phonic knowledge operates quite similarly.

我一定要好好的运用音标,来解决不会的单词。I must learn well phonic tone in order to unerstand unknown words.

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今天的英语课上,韩老师把48个音标全都教完。Mrs. Han has taught us 48 phonic tone on the English Class of today.

成功的发生度引发工作以来与孩子们能够听的好并且说的清楚。Successful phonic work depends on children being able to listen well and speak clearly.

当语音教学,以配合我们的音声,我们说的书面语音声音。When teaching phonics we have to match the phonic sound we say with the written phonic sound.

而百度给我们的解释只有一句算法改变,再无音讯。And Baidu has an algorithmic change only to our explanation, do not have phonic message again.

实现了以POF为传输介质的语音通话,并收到了非常好的效果。At last, phonic communication with POF as its media was realized and good effect was achieved.

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不仅声音单调乏味,而且对于音场定位也会造成很坏的影响。Not only sound is plodding , and also can cause very bad effect to phonic field fixed position.

语音信息采用模拟量存储方式,修改方便,具有高保真效。The phonic information memorized in analogue has high fidelity effect and is very easy to modify.

然后,迎接挑战,选择正确的语音的声音从声音从树上长靴的猫。Then, meet a challenge from Puss in Boots in Sounds from the Trees by choosing the correct phonic sound.

此课程也将采用声学发音规则来提升学生的拼写能力并大大地加强他们的阅读与发音技巧。This course will also incorporate phonic rules to aid spelling and improve reading and pronunciation skills.

这个年龄的孩子已经可以更好地听清字词组合,也可以听清字词的不同处。Children at this age can hear the sound of letter combinations better now and can hear the phonic differences.

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为此我们设计了一种带有同步语音功能的拓纸式手写板。So we designed a new kind of handwriting pad called "Rubbing Tablet with the Synchronous Phonic Synthesization".

但是,小敏每次总是以“此时无声胜有声”来回应他。But, small quick always be every time with " get the better of soundlessly right now phonic " will respond to him.

测试结果表明,该IP电话终端达到了IP语音通信的基本要求。The result of test shows that this IP telephone terminal reaches the basic requirement of IP phonic communication.

腹痛常在左下腹或全腹压痛明显,伴肠鸣音亢进。Bellyacke often is in left next abdomens or complete abdomen tenderness are apparent, companion bowel cries phonic hyperfunction.

结论语图仪分析系统在腭裂术后语音功能的客观评价和语音治疗中有一定诊断价值。Conclusion An analytic system of sound spectrography has certain value for evaluation of phonic function in cleft palate patients.

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在班上,她相当胆怯,因此总不能与人交流,以至连基本的语音概念都没有。And she was terribly intimidated in class, so she never was able to communicate that she simply didn't get the basic phonic concepts.

星期二没回家,星期三毫无音讯,星期四匆匆过去了,星期五还是如石沉大海。Tuesday did not come home, be without phonic message on Wednesday, went hurriedly on Thursday, still be like disappear forever on Friday.

这些词并不需要死记硬背,因为它们是由很小的语音单元组合成的,而这些小语音单元是孩子们在很多种不同的组合中都会用的。These words do not need to be memorized because they are built up from small phonic units that children can use in many different combinations.