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他好像在畏缩。He seemed to wilt.

你别皱眉好吗?Wilt thou not frown?

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难道你不肯爱他吗?Wilt thou not love him?

海枯石烂汝也难以找到。Nor in ocean wilt thou find.

你们今晚愿意同我们一道去吗?Wilt thou go with us to-night?

你会为我做这件事的。Thou wilt do this thing for me.

你不会含屈忍辱畏缩不前。Thou wilt not cower in the dust.

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这些叶子有些蔫了。The leaves are beginning to wilt.

植物一看见你就枯萎了?Do plants wilt at the sight of you?

你岂要行奇事给死人看吗。Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead?

你会守信用么,小查尔斯?Thou wilt be faithful, little Charles?

你难道要放弃那唯一的特权吗?Wilt thou give up that only privilege?

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铁线莲枯萎病的征兆是什么?What are the symptoms of clematis wilt?

即使你的爱凋残了,她也永远美丽!For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!

更神圣的爱意。你更不会忘记。Of holier love. Nor wilt thou then forget.

抗蔓割病和炭疽病。Tolerant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

即使那样我仍害怕你被偷。And even thence thou wilt be stol'n I fear.

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伟大的主,有没有甚么地方Where Thou, great God of angles, wilt send me?

我知道维尔特很棒,但我从来没看他打过球。I know Wilt was great, but I never saw him play.

花将会在星期六晚些时候或星期天凋谢。The bloom is set to wilt late Saturday or Sunday.