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许多马耳他人热衷于英式足球比赛。Many Maltese avidly follow English football matches.

如果你是英国人,你会迫切地要捍卫你的文字。And if you are English, you'd avidly defend your words.

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法庭审讯青少年的冒险行为比其他任何时候都多。We court risk more avidly as teens than at any other time.

他想象着可怜的老弗雷德·道迪可能正贪婪地阅读着这则消息。He could imagine poor old Fred Damdy reading that item avidly.

如果这些滤过的白蛋白被近曲小管细胞充分地结合并摄取,则不会发生白蛋白尿。Albuminuria does not occur as this filtered albumin load is avidly bound and retrieved by PTCs.

我的牙齿热切地注视着我,咬在一个桃子上,我可以听到血液冲击耳膜的声音。Gazing avidly before me, my teeth closing on a peach, I can hear the blood pounding in my ears.

戈培尔和他的助手们废寝忘食地研究外国报刊,以便利用它们宣传中的弱点。Goebbels and his assistants avidly studied the foreign press to exploit weak spots in their propaganda.

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艾琳非常喜爱各种颜色,她贪婪地收集了各种她需要的植物和树叶来染布。Having a great love of colours irene avidly collected plants and leaves that she needed for cloth dyeing.

在你生命中这一短暂的瞬间里,你拥有一位忠实的听众,他鼓励你尽兴地谈论你自己。For a brief moment in your life you have a captive audience that avidly encourages you to talk about yourself.

不过,从蒙古大草原到雅加达拥挤的街道,观众们都非常热衷看韩剧。Yet the results are consumed avidly by viewers from the Mongolian steppes to the congested streets of Jakarta.

她也盖了一栋百万美元的大厦并转售,并热衷投资商业住宅土地。She also builds million dollar custom mansions for resale and invests avidly in commercial and residential land.

还有我7岁的女儿,她对每一集都非常期待,你们真应该看看Marian被杀时她脸上的表情。So is my 7 year old daughter who has avidly watched every episode. You should have seen her face when Marian was killed.

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尽管两国高唱关系热化,但双方在互相侦查方面的急切程度,丝毫不减于冷战高潮时期。The two countries—with all the talk of warmer relations—are spying on each other as avidly as at the height of the cold war.

“光彩照人的查理”贪婪地把可以证券卖给那些倒霉的客户,并以此掀起了一场保证金贷款投机活动。"Sunshine Charley" avidly sold securities of dubious character to hapless clients and whipped up speculation with margin loans.

她经常出现在许多“最漂亮的女人”列单上,而她的私生活却被流行小报大肆炒作。She often appears on many “most beautiful women” lists, and she has a personal life that is avidly covered by the tabloid press.

尽管两国高唱关系热化,但双方在互相侦查方面的急切程度,丝毫不减于冷战高潮时期。Albeit two nations are all talking of warmer relation between them, they still avidly spy on each other no less than cold war period.

但是目前,对于产生能创造就业的增长来说,去热情拥抱数字前沿是美国最好的前途。But for now, avidly embracing the digital frontier is the best prospect the U. S. has for generating the kind of growth that creates jobs.

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然而,那也不能阻止中国报纸和互联网不同意见者们对关乎公众利益的案子进行热烈讨论。That, however, has not stopped Chinese newspapers and internet opiners from discussing avidly a case that has clearly caught the public interest.

书中年历有黄金屋,我们应该读万卷书行万里路,对书如饥似渴地吸取营养,丰富自己也美好人生。Book calendar has a house of gold, we should won big applause from thousands of books avidly absorb nutrients, rich in themselves a beautiful life.

大蓝蝶是蝴蝶标本收集者的挚爱,尤其是在维多利来女王与爱德华国王时代,当采集蝴蝶标本是一种流行的爱好时。The Large Blue was avidly hunted by butterfly collectors, especially during the Victorian and Edwardian eras when butterfly collecting was a popular pastime.