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或许吧,命运的改变,谁知道?Maybe, the whirligig of time, who knows?

河南内黄孩子和乡村游乐场里的旋转木马。The children and whirligig in a village's amusement park.

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我日记本里写着,就像大部分的年轻人,我在感情里迷失了。My diary of the time shows that, like most teenagers, I was an emotional whirligig.

古代医患关系因时代与社会的变迁而有所改变。The ancient doctor-patient relationship changes following the whirligig of time and society.

那是一个非常寒酸的旋转玩具,上面还有一个风一吹螺旋桨就会砍木头的小人。It is a VERY tacky whirligig with a little man who chops wood as the wind blows the propeller.

而且,在循环变迁的过程中,各个利益集团的地位和构成又是逐渐改变的。And also, the state and constitution of the interest groups were changing during this whirligig.

曲轴的各轴颈在很高的比压下作高速旋转运动,使轴颈和轴承受到强烈磨擦。Because the shaft necks whirligig with high speed under high pressure, the shaft necks and bearings endure intense attrition.

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最后,所多玛和蛾摩拉的阴影潜入,释放开了同性之爱旋动的陀螺,至此全图得以完整。Until finally , to complete the picture , the shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah unleashes the whirligig of loves between the same sex.

无准备活动或准备活动不足的情况下,突然开始腰部负荷运动或做弯腰、旋转运动。Below ① extemporaneous activity or the circumstance with insufficient warming-up, begin lumbar bear suddenly to move or do bow, whirligig.

调整环在运动过程中把压力臂上拨叉的旋转运动转化为转轴的旋转运动,改变了旋转运动的方向。During the movement of the regulation annulus, it turns whirligig of the regulations arm into whirligig of the spindle, and change the whirling direction.

按照荣格的原型理论,神女与狐妖都是阿尼玛原型的代表,带有善恶两重性,是古人对于女性人物“外端内媚”的双重要求。According to Carl G Jung, both are the incarnations of Anima with kindness and evil, representing the whirligig of male aesthetic ideas over female images.

然后几个跳跃,他宣布了他的蚊子的朋友,谁飞的消息,看门的大厦,一个轮回的名字。Then with a few jumps he was to announce it to a Mosquito friend of his, who would fly with the news to the gatekeeper of the mansion , one Whirligig by name.