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玩宝物抽丝!Play Treasure Snagging!

爱树就是爱惜生命。Aiki is the treasure life.

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他积累了大量的金银财宝。He amassed great treasure.

绘制你家的藏宝图.Make your own treasure map.

一个好朋友尤如珍宝。A good friend is a treasure.

珍惜青春年华!Do treasure your spring age.

或者我们应该珍惜它。Maybe we should treasure it.

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我的漂亮小宝贝。My beautiful little treasure.

见宝爷爷哈哈大笑。See treasure grandpa laughed.

一条龙守护着财宝。A dragon guarded the treasure.

他喜欢珍藏邮票。He likes to treasure up stamps.

我的秘书是个难得的人才。My secret is a treasure people.

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稀世珍宝倒没有。There is no rare treasure here.

你拥有的每一刻都要珍惜。Treasure every moment you have.

要珍惜大好时光。You should treasure good times.

你行行好吧,我给你许多金银财宝。And I'll give you much treasure.

在里面有一张藏宝图。Inside there was a treasure map.

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般若,是人生最真实的宝藏。Prajna is our greatest treasure.

这里几乎像一个至宝宫殿。It′s just like a treasure palace.

总之花椒全身都是宝。Overall pepper body is a treasure.