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一只黄褐色的猫头鹰在林中叩问着。Where a tawny owl was enquiring.

头部、腹面有淡褐色纵斑。Tawny spots can be found on the head and abdomen.

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你难道不在你茶色的鬃发上戴一个花环吗?Will you not tie up with a wreath your tawny coiled locks?

多斯优质茶色波特酒为三年酿混合酒,风格轻盈。Dow's Fine Tawny is a three year old blend, light in style.

他们谁也没注意到一只大的、褐色的猫头鹰飞过了窗户。None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window.

黑皮、褐皮是软玉子料的常见皮色。Black and tawny cuticles are the most common colors among nephrite gravels.

美国橡木桶内长期窖藏使得这款成熟的托利酒更现丰满和柔顺。A rich smooth Tawny showing the benefit of extended maturation in American Oak casks.

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插屏以黄花梨制成,色泽黄褐,微泛红。This Removable Screen is made of pear wood in a mellow color of tawny and slight red.

一年生枝浅黄褐色,具椭圆形皮孔,尤以。On one-year-old tawny sticks, with oval-shaped Pikong, especially near the petiole more.

那只黄褐色的大兽跳向一边,翻滚了几下就一动不动地死去了。The great tawny beast sprang to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death.

愤怒从他黄褐色的眼睛里一闪而过。他的嘴唇抿紧成一条坚硬的线条,所有幽默的气氛都不见。Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. His lips pressed into a hard line, all signs of humor gone.

拍打着半透明的黄色翅膀,一只红色的小飞狐在一夜紧张的觅食后正在归途当中。On translucent tawny wings, a little red flying fox flaps homeward after a night of intense foraging.

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疯人褐色的头发蓬乱纠结,粘满泥土,他仍然在孤寂的海岸上游荡,搜寻着他的点金石。Even so on the lonely shore the madman with dusty tawny locks still roamed in search of the touchstone.

重点分析了在焙烧过程中,棒形产品和瓷套产品黄芯缺陷的形成过程,认为该缺陷是坯件在焙烧过程中还原不足造成的。The formation process of tawny core defect in porcelain bydy of insulator at firing were be analysis in detail.

木化石的色调丰富多彩,有红、灰、棕、黑、土黄、淡黄和黄褐等颜色。The color of wood fossil is diverse, including red, grey, brown, black, soil yellow, light yellow and tawny ect.

上升路上两旁景致迷人,附近茶色半山腰浓密地布着沙座莲,薰衣草和百里香。The rising road offered stunning vistas of nearby tawny hillsides thick with summer rock roses, lavender, and thyme.

她有著棕色的头发,修长的双腿,婀娜动人的身材,还有一张聪慧、开朗的脸,看上去确实健康活泼。She looked really healthy and had tawny hair and long, good legs, a very good figure, and an intelligent, lively face.

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丛林显露出褐色,黄色,橘色,深红色的色调,栗树和枫树火焰般熠熠生辉的鲜红色彩形成欢庆的队伍。The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.

他们又自顾自地互相唧喳起来。这回他们那兴奋的话题是蔚蓝的海洋、金黄的沙滩,和壁虎爬上爬下的围墙。They fell a- twittering among themselves once more, and this time their intoxicating babble was of violet seas, tawny sands, and lizard-haunted walls.

断层带风化强烈,断层角砾岩等呈现松散的土状,且因铁质琳滤而成黄褐色。Strong weathering occurs in the fault zone, in which the fault breccias present in loosed soil like and was tinted into tawny color by ferrous leaching.