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利比亚发对派将总部搬至的黎波里。Rebels to move HQ to Tripoli.

的黎波里支持卡扎菲的示威者们Pro-Gaddafi Protesters in Tripoli

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不久,她就在去的黎波里的途中。Soon, she was on her way to Tripoli.

的黎波里今天上演双城记。Tripoli today is a tale of two cities.

现在,反抗军控制了60公里的黎波里街道。They now control 60km of Tripoli Street.

的黎波里街上人们为它欢呼。Street crowds around Tripoli cheered for it.

相反,它来自于的黎波里的大街小巷。It will be in the avenues and alleys of Tripoli.

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在的黎波里大部分其他的前线都崩溃之后。After Tripoli most other fronts appeared to crumble.

在驶近的黎波里港时,我们的船只进入一个新布雷区。Approaching Tripoli our ships ran into a new minefield.

卡扎菲在的里波利还有更坚固的根据地吗?Does Qaddafi have a stronger base of support in Tripoli?

扎维耶位于的黎波里以西约50公里处。Bar Janvier is located about 50 kilometers west of Tripoli.

两天后,反对派开始向西边的的黎波里进发。Two days later, the rebels began heading west toward Tripoli.

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他身边的战士们已经开起了在第黎波第用早餐的玩笑。The fighters around him made jokes about breakfast in Tripoli.

胜利的号角和庆祝的炮火响彻的黎波里的天空。Horns blared and celebratory gunfire burst into the air in Tripoli.

1996年的某一天,他的部下在的黎波里监狱杀死了1270个罪犯。In one day in 1996 his men killed 1270 prisoners in a Tripoli jail.

在周日天黑之前,他们已经向的黎波里前进了超过32公里。By nightfall on Sunday, they had advanced more than 32km to Tripoli.

他的交通线长达一千英里,直到黎波里。His line of communications trailed back a thousand miles to Tripoli.

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居住在那里的主要是长期以来反对的黎波里政府的巴巴里人。They have a long record of opposition to the government here in Tripoli.

周六的黎波里一派祥和,商店照常营业,街上熙熙攘攘。Tripoli was calm on Saturday, with shops open and people on the streets.

这是一个故事,一位学者如何在的黎波里被监禁的故事。This is the story of how an academic found herself imprisoned in Tripoli.