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好色的老白痴。恶心。Lecherous old fool. Yuk.

宁乡金玉堂珠宝首饰,品牌老店,值得信赖!Ningxiang Kam Yuk Tong Cantonese jewelry, brand-established, trusted!

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半红不黑的女歌星柳玉梅,偶然搬进莉莉生前的房间。An infamous singer called Yuk Mui, moved into Li Li's apartment coincidentally.

陈素仪、邓凝姿及林玉莲的作品,则表现出「艺术品可穿戴」的概念。Pauline Chan, Lam Yuk Lin and Tang Ying Chi's works to express the concept of wearable.

同时,香港中文大学社会工作学系刘玉琼博士将分享其对本地家庭服务发展的观察及意见。Dr. Lau Yuk King would share her observations and views on the local family service development.

是风光毓秀、景色迷人的水东湾省级旅游度假区的重要组成部分。Yuk Sau was beautiful, charming scenery of the East Bay water provincial tourist resort important component.

文玉仪,现为自由设计师,正就读理工大学兼读纺织学位课程。Man Yuk Yee, Yuri is a freelance designer, studying a part time degree at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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河北东旭机械设备有限公司,愿以一流的产品、真诚的服务与您共铸辉煌。Tung Yuk Hebei Machinery Co. , Ltd. , is willing to first-class products, services and your sincere Gongzhu brilliant.

经过了一系列的风波,最终,方世玉从一个懵懂莽撞的少年逐渐成长为了名震一时的盖世小英雄。After a series of crisis, ultimately, Sai Yuk rash from an ignorant boy has grown to a moment of unrivaled reputed Hero.

在参与夏令营之前,就读保良局董玉娣中学的魏芷媛不清楚自己是否适合就读工商管理课程。Before joining the camp, Ngai Tsz Wun from Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College did not know whether BBA is her "Mr. Right".

十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才能。At 15 though, he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks, a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.

十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部亚克亚克斯进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才能。At 15 though, he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks , a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.

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十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那二他得以完善自己的特殊才能。At 15 though , he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks , a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.

方世玉2——我以前最喜欢的电影,虽然有些缺点,但是人音乐背景下的那些伤感的场景令人无法抗拒。Fong Sai Yuk 2- Formerly my favorite movie. Although flawed, it has unmatchable sentimental scenes backed with the most beautiful music.

方世玉与洪熙官同窗之后,受收洪熙官影响,张扬的性格开始稍有收敛,行事也变得沉稳起来。Fong Sai Yuk and Shaolin classmate, the Shaolin affected by income, assertive personality began to converge slightly, to act up and become calm.

其父方德为让方世玉修身养性,便将他送去了杭州的九逸会馆下属的一所义学去念书习武。Fang father to let Sai Yuk self-cultivation, they put him sent to the Hall Plaza Hangzhou nine subordinate to a free school to study martial arts.

颂莲和杭素玉之间尽管隔着时间的天堑,但是在人性的天桥上她们依然是相同相通的。Song Lian and between So Yuk Hang time, although separated from natural moat, but they are still on a flyover of human nature is the same as interlinked.

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带着爸爸提供的道具,穿着妈妈做的黄色西装,凯瑞在多伦多一家喜剧俱乐部首次登台演出,可是他的服装和表演都遭到了观众无情的嘘声。With material supplied by his father, and dressed by his mother in a yellow polyester suit, he made his debut at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto, where both his attire and his delivery were booed mercilessly.

信介的母亲育代跑去找信介却没遇上,恰巧此时小满回家,天上下起雨来,小满只好把育代请到本人家里。The mother yukon and letter interface run to find letter didn't meet, happened to interface XiaoMan home at this time, the sky and the rainy XiaoMan had to yuk generation please to oneself the home.