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我今天监考了两科。I invigilate two subjects today.

今年,我不用监考。I shouldn't invigilate this year.

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我被安排了监考初一的历史。I am arranged to invigilate Junior one's history test.

下午从两点到三点,我又监考了生物。From 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. , I invigilate biology test again.

不同的是,生活中的考试常常是没有人监考的。Different is, the exam in the life often does not have person invigilate.

我需要在第一节课监考生物模拟考试。I need to invigilate the biology practice examination for the first class.

从技术面分析,这次监考太严,各种救市措施无法出台。From technical area analysis, this invigilate is too severe, all sorts of measure that help city cannot come on stage.

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教师于请假期间得请本校具有教师身份者代课,不得仅安排学生代为监考。Instructors on leave have to authorize teachers of this school for class make-ups. Do not just let the students invigilate the exam.

今天,我们学校开始期末测试。我监考了语文。其它的时间用来听写了三篇课文。晚饭后又听写了三篇课文。Today our school begins to have this semester's final test. I invigilate the Chinese test. I spend other free times finishing three lesson's dictation.

万一不幸死机,千万别惊慌,擅自关机重启,而应举手报告监考人员。In case misfortune dead machine, must not alarmed, do sth without authorization closes machine restart, and should personnel of invigilate of report of raise one's hand.