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这道牛肉排骨真是太特别了。It’s special.

阿红是条特别的狗。Red Dog was special.

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今天有什么特色菜?What's today special?

我要点特餐.I’ll have the special.

好的,没什么特别的。Well, nothing special.

好乖哦。可是好象很怕羞呢。It is ok to be special.

我要牛排特餐。I'll have special steak.

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主厨推荐那几道菜?It's the chef's special.

是的,我要特餐。Yes, I like the special.

菲戈有一手绝活儿。Figo has a special flair.

到一个特别的地方去。Go to your special place.

麦当劳的特殊酱料?McDonald's Special Sauce?

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然而这棵古银杏树却是特别的。But the Ginkgo is special.

我得到了特殊照顾。I have special permission.

那是强词夺理。That's a special pleading.

这是一种特殊的洗发剂。This is a special shampoo.

或者特别的审查?Or any special processings?

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她使他感觉很特别。She makes him feel special.

使用专用点药器。Use the special applicator.

那棵特别的树在哪里呢?Where is that special tree?