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丹尼尔,不好意思。Daniel. I'm sorry.

名审判官但以理驾到!Daniel come to judgment!

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欢呼,为丹尼尔·布奈!Hurrah for Daniel Boone!

名审判官但以理驾到!A Daniel come to judgment!

吴彦祖真的太会玩了!Daniel Wu Really can play!

我是个小丹尼尔·布恩。I was a young Daniel Boone.

丹丹偷偷地笑了。Daniel is laughing secretly.

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那么丹尼尔怎么样呢?How about little Daniel then?

大牛在这儿给您报时。Daniel announces the hour here.

哦,丹尼尔,招募新兵如何?Oh, how was the recruit Daniel?

后来丹尼尔遇到了苏和利萨。Then Daniel meets Sue and Lisa.

丹尼尔的光盘比基蒂少。Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.

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你知道丹尼尔·艾格雷吗?Do you know about Daniel Igali ?

算了。要杯杰克丹尼加可乐。Ok, Jack Daniel with coke, please.

对了,大牛。你在这里工作。Well, Daniel. Since you work here.

我人猿泰牛是无所不知的。There is nothing I, Ape-Man Daniel.

您正听到的是丹尼尔·科曼的讲述。You are listening to Daniel Kammen.

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这位是我的老搭档,快乐的大牛。And this is my co-host Happy Daniel.

大牛,你注意到这门没有?Daniel , have you noticed this gate?

现在你应该叫我大牛勇士。You ought to call me Warrior Daniel.