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他呷着朗姆酒。He sipped his rum.

甜酒我还是喜欢喝干酒。I prefer dry wine to rum.

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谁点兰姆酒和可乐?Who had the rum and coke?

潘趣酒中被搀入了朗酒。The punch was spiked with rum.

更为糖酒会奠定了基础。More rum will lay the foundation.

在葡萄牙的小酒吧里喝着朗姆酒。Drinkin white rum in a portugal bar.

在葡萄牙酒馆把白朗姆酒斟酌。Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar.

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一个男人甚至点了一杯琴酒与可乐外带。One man ordered a rum and Coke to go.

露西是柠檬口味,老金是莱姆蛋糕。And lemon for Lucy, rum cake for Gene.

斯托克斯先生又给自己添了酒。Mr. Stokes helped himself to more rum.

弗林特也是那种人,而他在萨凡那酗酒死了。Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah.

在顶部漂浮1盎司五香摩根船长朗姆酒。Float 1oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum on top.

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击球手在第一局中就因击出的球被悬空截住而出局。The batsman was caught out in the first rum.

粟粉及�酒于杯内搅匀。Stir together the cornflour and rum in a cup.

几个私酒贩子在火车上被捕了。Several rum runners were arrested in the train.

我说在这个情况我会喝杯兰姆酒加可口可乐。I said, in that case I'll have a rum and Coca-Cola.

有,先生,您看“椰树甘露”如何?是白朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠萝。Yes, sir. How about Dina Colada made with white rum.

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影响最全面的,中国际糖酒会。The most comprehensive, influence in international rum.

加入一点郎姆酒,用矿泉水加满。Add a shot of rum and fill the glass with mineral water.

杰里托马斯建议加半子弹杯的朗姆酒。Jerry Thomas recommended floating a half-shot of dark rum.