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武术套路、少林拳术之一。One of martial arts repertoire and Shaolin boxing.

算法采用MCS-51指令系统实现。The algorithm adopt MCS-51 instruction repertoire.

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这些风格都可能成为领导人傍身之技的一部分。They can all become part of the leader's repertoire.

全部节目将使尊敬的观众惊心动魄。A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.

你要把这些方式当成自己整个管理艺术的一部分。Think of them all as part of your management repertoire.

您可以通过使用动态XD来扩展您的水射流切割全部技能。You can expand your waterjet cutting repertoire with Dynamic XD.

受到了众多观众的喜爱,被列为精典剧目!Received a large audience favorite, is listed as classical repertoire.

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以下这些武戏拍摄设备,是我团队中的一部分照片。The following repertoire shooting equipment, is part of my team photo.

每台通用计算机都有其独有的指令系统。Every general-purpose computer has its own unique instruction repertoire.

涉及到武戏场次中的文戏我也来帮忙导。Repertoire relates to screening in the text of play I have to help guide.

在日本餐厅有自己的陈列柜中的塑料食品剧目。Restaurants in Japan have their repertoire of plastic food in a display case.

所以请保证你在性爱的前戏和后戏中远离下面的错误。So keep your pre- and post-coital repertoire free of these surefire screw-ups.

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我热切期待你去尝试一下,把它当成你2K12秀的一部分。I'm excited for you to try it out and make it part of your NBA 2K12 repertoire.

我在秘鲁做的许多尝试后来都成为我成功经验的一部分。A lot of what I experimented with in Peru became part of my repertoire later on.

这种灵魂和记忆的结合,可以被象征激发。this kind of unitary repertoire of spirits and memories can be evoked by symbols.

宫廷燕乐所表演的节目主要有九、十部伎。The repertoire of the court Yanyue mainly consisted of the Nine and Ten Parts Jiyue.

这就是为什么要鼓励年轻人背下他们的全部保留曲目。This is why youngsters should be encouraged to memorize all their repertoire pieces.

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重整浏览器向标准字库添加越来越多的重整。Refactoring browsers are adding more and more refactorings to the standard repertoire.

由于配有极其丰富的书形乐曲编码曲目,舞蹈风琴可以演奏出客人点播的任何一支舞曲。Thanks to their tremendous repertoire of book music they can play any dance requested.

那些新党派所利用的恰恰是这样的主流政治节目单。It is this very mainstream political repertoire that newer movements have appropriated.