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她是北方人。She is a northerner.

他的口音让人听出他是南方人。His accent gave him away as a northerner.

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从口音听得出来,他一定是北方人。Judging by his accent, he must be a northerner.

不管你是北方人、南方人,大家都是一家人。Whether you are a northerner , southerner, we are all family.

听你口音简直成了个北方人了,孩子。Listen to your accent simply become a northerner , and the child.

嗯哼,北方人爱吃包子、面条和饺子。Hum, the northerner like eating steamed buns, noodles and dumplings.

在其他很多国家,也有北方人和南方人。In other many countries, also has the northerner and the southerner.

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我是北方人,我来的那个地区冬天的气温可以降到零下28度。I'm a northerner and temperatures where I come from can drop to minus 28 in winter.

第三,如果你是北方人,也许听不太懂福州腔。Third, if you are a northerner , and perhaps did not really understand Fuzhou cavity.

韦伯斯特是北方人,他反对将一个实行奴隶制的州纳入美国。Webster was a northerner who opposed having another slave-holding state in the Union.

“没关系”,那个北方人固执地回答,“我的马是匹骏马,它跑得很快。”"Never mind, " the Northerner replied obstinately. "My horse is a good steed. It runs very fast.

起初外界猜测这位置会交给一个作为明年总统候选人的北方人。At first it was assumed that the post would go to a northerner who would be groomed as next year’s presidential candidate.

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那里的会众喜爱他,对他初任牧师的青涩也很宽容,而且教会这个聪慧的北方老儿要口齿清晰。The congregation there loved him, suffered through his earliest days as a pastor, and taught an intellectual northerner to be clear.

你看他,高高的个子,宽广的肩膀,方正而略带微黑的面庞,显示出我国北方人特有的健壮体魄。You see him, high stature, broad shoulder, upright and foursquare and the face with summary duskily belt, show the hale physique with our country peculiar northerner.

他是北方人,但不反对奴隶制,在新地区的奴隶制问题上,卡斯认为新地区的人民应该自己做出决定。He was a northerner who did not oppose slavery. On the question of slavery in the new territories, Cass believed that the people of the territory should make the decision.

如果北方人到这里南方后,不适应这边的气候,常常长湿疹,是身体里什么原因造成的呢,有什么办法预防和治疗呢?If northerner arrives after here is southern, incommensurate the climate here, often grow eczema, it is reason of the what in the body cause, what method prevents and is treated?

对事发原委之分析大致有考官偏私、涉及党案、北士偶诎及所取太偏等几种看法。There are several po ints about the reason of the event such as examiners' bias, struggles among part ies, the accidental error of the northerner and the deviation of the enrollment.

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北方人会问一些问题来弄清我是否想家、是否习惯了中国饮食、我的婚姻状况以及我的国家的工农业概况。A northerner will ask questions to ascertain whether I miss home, if I am used to Chinese food, my marital status and a general overview of the agricultural and industrial situation in my country.

他们有着北方人性格中的豪爽和执著,能够让台上的我们真切地感受到他们的热情,这样更能激发我们表演的张力和激情”。They have in the northerner disposition straightforwardness and rigid, can let on the stage we feel their enthusiasm clearly, like this can stimulate the tensity which and the fervor we perform"."