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IPI是有价值的预后因素。IPI was a valuable prognostic factor.

STAT5是独立的预后因子。STAT5 is an independent prognostic factor.

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业务预报云方案的雅可比行列式。Jacobians of an Operational Prognostic Cloud Scheme.

GS是最简便、准确的预测并发症指标。HGS is the most simple and accurate prognostic indicator.

结论CDK4在OSCC内的表达可能具有预后意义。Conclusion CDK4 expression may have prognostic significance in OSCC.

微血管数是显著独立的预后因素。Microvessel count was a significantly independent prognostic factor.

MVD对早期肾癌预后的判断价值不大。While MVD has no value in prognostic evaluation for early stage RCC.

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食管癌和贲门癌的外科治疗。Prognostic factors associated with resectable carcinoma of the esophagus.

目的探讨影响甲状腺髓样癌预后的因素。Objective To investigate prognostic factors of medullary thyroid carcinoma.

CD24被认为是一个颇具应用前景的诊断和预后指标。CD24 is considered to be a diagnostic and prognostic index with prospective.

核分裂和肿瘤性坏死是独立的风险因素。Mitotic activity and tumor necrosis were the independent prognostic factors.

他们其中的一些是有效的预后评估临床工具。Some of them seemed to be valuable clinical tools for prognostic evaluation.

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IST后出现重度感染多为预后不良的重要因素之一。Severe infection after IST may be the major one of the poor prognostic factors.

在对由福尔马林固定-石蜡包埋的组织的预测分类是必须的。Prognostic classification on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues is required.

目的探讨影响口腔粘膜原发性恶性黑色素瘤预后的因素。Objective To study the prognostic factors in malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa.

同时讨论了硬膜骨化的手术和预后因素。The surgical and prognostic implications of dural ossification are being discussed.

目的探讨影响脐膨出预后的因素,评价治疗效果。Objective To evaluate the prognostic factors and therapeutic results of omphalocele.

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因此,上述两个参数可作为白血病的早期预后指标。Therefore, these two parameters may be regarded as a prognostic marker for leukemias.

对活检标本LSF水平的分析,有朝一日可以被用来作为肝癌的预后指标。Analysis of LSF level in biopsy material may one day be used as a prognostic marker for HCC.

多因素分析表明,临床分期和CA125半衰期对预后有影响。Multifactor analysis showed FIGO stage and CA125 half-life were factors affecting prognostic.