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这个疯子毁损了艺术品。The madman mutilates art work.

唯一的目击者,却是女人的爱犬罗莉。Is this the project of a madman?

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除了疯人外谁会这样做?Who but a madman would act thus?

这狂妄的人来见你有什么事呢?Why did this madman come to you?

这只是狂人的谵语。It's just the ravings of a madman.

我现在相信沃尔夫希姆是个疯子。I now believe Wolfsheim is a madman.

哈姆雷特装疯卖傻。Hamlet endued the character of a madman.

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那个疯子被撵出剧场。The madman was removed from the theatre.

爱迪生盖茨这种疯子谁人能比?Edison gates this madman than anyone can?

他像狂人般地跌跌撞撞地走下了楼。He stumbled down the stairs like a madman.

爱情曾让峩疯狂,但峩绝罘是疯子。Love made me crazy, but I am not a madman.

疯子和你一样神圣,我的灵魂神圣!the madman is holy as you my soul are holy!

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只有疯子才会把叉子带到这儿。Only a madman would have brought a fork here.

那个疯子把自己的手表和皮夹子扔了。The madman flung away his watch and his wallet.

你就像禁闭在暗室的疯子,在黑暗中摸索。You are groping like a madman locked in a dark room.

他说的大部分话听着就像是个疯子的胡言乱语。A lot of his talk sounded like the ravings of a madman.

这个父亲坐在帆布床上,像个精神失常的人盯着她看。The father, sitting on his cot, stared at her like a madman.

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我,我这充满病态热情的化身才应该反抗这疯子。It is I the love-sick self who would rebel against this madman.

一名疯人莫鲁瓦死了,丹尼斯被控告谋杀。Soon, the madman Mauroy was dead—and Denis was accused of murder.

癖已使他得到“疯子”的绰号。His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname " the Madman ".